Export data through the air

That would be a good idee indeed…


This has been a long thread… trying to add clarity here: there are no current methods for sending data wirelessly that I know of other than with the Prorubim package and that can only set out of the box inputs. If you have a Flux account you can send any kind of data to the webs and recieve it in the same script.


Perhaps clipboard send to and clipboard get from? Would need to convert to element IDs to numbers, and the array to a string, and then back again. Also you will only be able to do this once per graph.

@til.shviger Does this satisfy your requirement?
Curious as to why you want to do this though :slight_smile:


CSV would also work, but would also require that you convert the elements to IDs, write the file, read the file, and convert the IDs to elements again.


why its not work for string values?


@til.shviger Try this instead …

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Just tried this on my system and had no issues with a listed alpha numeric sequence. (“A”…“T”)

Do you have any special characters which I’m not seeing?

Thank you very much , its working now :grinning:

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can im ask also…
if im have sublists with string and number values - what can i do to worked it?

Avoid Flatten to maintain the list structure



im think the data in b.csv file will be overwrite every time when we run the dynamo (old data will be erased and new data will be write )?

Yes it will overwrite, if the file name remains the same.

its good,
thanks !