Element. set parameter by type not working

Hi all.

Element set parameter by type is not working because no parameter is found by that name. I am using revit 2023. Any Ideas?

Hi @technitutors hard to say if you can show what you try to feed in then we probably can help

“Type” is not a parameter, “Type Name” is a parameter. and remember to put an element.elementtype node in between if you want to change type parameters.

I guees you are after something and type is an instance parameter

test2.dyn (37.2 KB)
here it is. Both scenarios dont work

You need to show us the data going into the element port. Ideally with an added branch with a single Element.Parameters node showing the list of parameters available for one of the elements.

they are all structural framing elements

Ok. Take one out of the list and show what parameters are available via an Element.Parameters node.

Is this something to do with Revit 2023? It always used to work with type.

Is the parameter you are looking for found in that list?

for me it looks like it type parameter, but if you want set type its an instance, but i guees you are after clockwork setname then you can set the type name…but not sure if it that you are after

I just want to change the type based on some criteria. Its saying the theres no parameter found by that name if I say Type

But Type is a parameter.

yes type is instance…


There is one last thing. I do I set it so it only grabs the lintels of the current view using FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType

in that case you dont need familyinstance node as it already is an instance from select categori-type in view