I swear I had this working before, but it’s been a while since I used the Clockwork Element.ByID node.
I mocked up a sample of what I’m trying to do by passing in a list of Element IDs as strings, and nothing matches in the ByID node. Everything comes out unmatched.
Then I found the Archi_lab ByElementID node and it is giving me what I expect.
But, as I said, I swear the Clockworks node worked for me 6 months ago.
I should append that: The first two strings I passed in are valid Element IDs.
The third one (7) is intentionally invalid just to see what output I get.
I thought that was the point of the node…OOOhh!
I just realized that in my full graph, I’m getting these values from Excel. I wonder it that’s why they are INTs instead of strings.
In my simplified example, I AM passing a list of string values.
Where would the INTs would be coming from in that case?
TBH i’m not entirely sure what the issue is. I’ve ran into this a few times as well.
The OOTB node gives an int, which doesn’t work for selection.
You have to convert the int to ElementId: http://www.revitapidocs.com/2017/3acc195c-36fa-4ec9-78e0-370a12fddda5.htm
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
OUT = doc.GetElement(ElementId(IN[0]))
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