Element align on ceiling grid

hi everyone,
i am trying to align element on ceiling grid. I tried much as possible.it won’t works.
kindly give a solution.i have using package(rhythm,clockwork&topologic)
i have attached file here.pls find below.
thanks advance.

test ceiling aligndyn.dyn (96.7 KB)

Hi @thsa2501 Sparrow have a node for collect ceiling grid…give it a try :wink:

hi sovitek,
i am already using that node even though not works.did you open dynamo file and revit?

no i havent tried your project files seems huge are they purged and detached ?
, but what does the sparrow node gives you ?? try show nodes output in every node

ps the node will fall if ceiling have curved boundery, then you could try calculate it with a dimension

this file around 500mb only. I forget to be purged. (geometry.doesintersect nodes) give false.i don’t know.why?it must give true.yes? the element intersects with ceiling(



Thats to huge for me in this forum here

allright does your files share origin ?

the orgin(project base point to project base point.)

no your internal origin, from 22 i guess you can turn the origin on…in older i use a cad origin insert in 0.00 for find out…if that the issue you could try set project up the right way [relocate] or try transform coordinate system, but then your issue will just still exist…and can give issue in 3rd part sofware…so i like set right up…just my opinion

i did not get it. what internal orgin?can u explain me?

Try a seach on google, revit forum etc…thats more a revit coordinate thing… :wink: :wink: but we are so lucky dynamo and revit share internal origin so we have same coordinates :wink: :wink: thats why its importeant your link and masterfile share origin, but again its possible transform your coordinate system so they match up, but i just like from the beginning set it right up with acquire coordinates from arch [if they control these coordinates, so we just follow them no matter what they do…relocate etc…hope it make sence…know the coordinate system isnt easy in revit…

i understand your point.i will try then let u know.
thank you so much for your time.

yeah try check these things, so you are sure it isnt the issue

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