Dynamo Nodes, Searchable from a Website

During the BeyondAEC hackathon at Sasaki this weekend, I made a website https://truevis.com/nodes so we can use web search technology to help find nodes’ packages and descriptions. I hope this will help the Dynamo community, especially once it gets indexed by Google.

To get the content, I parsed out 900 DYF files and made a web page for each one.

I plan to add the node names and description from the packages where all the nodes are in a BIN folder like BimorphNodes, too. Gotta add the core nodes, too, such as from <C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\1.2\en-US\DSCoreNodes.xml>, which look like the same format.

Suggestions, including which packages to add, are welcome.


that is so helpful , thank you @truevis

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It might need some more work i think

I noticed some at the end got messed up. Fixed.
Item 27 was my culprit!

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I think it definitely needs to include ZeroTouch nodes as a lot of packages are made with these. I would also suggest to perhaps work your way down the package manager list with the number of downloads being considered as this would include packages that users rely on frequently, and not just the ones the uploader had installed at the time.

Also, this website only offers search? Would there be a way to allow for menus like https://dynamonodes.com/ has been doing for a while?

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WordPress has Categories; that would be pretty easy to add. However if you just put the package name in the search, you pretty much get the answer.

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I did that for the Most Installed list from https://dynamopackages.com/ .

I added BimorphNodes to the site. Their info is in a BIN file. It was rather tricky to pick out the nodes’ data.

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Just added almost 1000 more posts for built-in/core nodes. That makes 1,929 searchable web pages.

It’s getting there, @john_pierson An example of ZeroTouch nodes is bimorphNodes, eh? I added some category data to the posts:

“Dynamo” category shows the total number of posts.

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The winner for most searched in the last year goes to Passthrough by Clockwork for Dynamo.