Document.SaveFamilyToFolder node not releasing memory

Replying back with a potential solution to my issue and to check if there are any issues with it.

After some research, I found this reply with Python code to save out families in a project. I copied it into my graph and modified it a little as I still had RAM issues with it.

Here is my modified code:

This takes a collection of families from the active document and saves them as RFA files to the path given, overwriting the original.

Original author: Jacob Small
Modified by: LCarrozza4MGVV

Dynamo version: 2.12.0
Revit version: 2022

## Imports
import sys
sys.path.append("C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib")
import clr 
import RevitServices 
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager 
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager 
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import traceback

## Inputs
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument #sets the doc variable as the active document
families = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) #sets the base family variable to the contents of input 0
#directory = IN[1] #sets the directory variable to the contents of input 1
filePaths = IN[1] #[directory+"\\"+family.Name+".rfa" for family in families] #builds a file path for each family by appending the directory to the family name an an rfa file extension.
if not hasattr(families, '__iter__'): #checks if the input wasn't a list
	families = [families] #if not, wraps the object in a list so we can ensure we've got something to iterate over
	filePaths = [filePaths]

## Setting Variables
saveAsOptions = SaveAsOptions() 
saveAsOptions.OverwriteExistingFile = True 
resultSet = [] 

# Begins to itterate over the list of families
for family,path in zip(families,filePaths):
    try: # Try to save family to folder
        path = path + "\\" + family.Name + ".rfa"
        famDoc = doc.EditFamily(family) # Gets the family document from the parent family
        famDoc.SaveAs(path, saveAsOptions) # Saves out the family
        famDoc.Close(False) # Closes the family doc
        famDoc.Dispose() # Releases doc from memory
        resultSet.append(family.Name+".rfa saved!")
    except: # If try fails, output error message
        error = traceback.format_exc().split("Exception: ")[-1].strip()
        error = error.split("Parameter name: ")[0].strip()
        resultSet.append(family.Name+".rfa not saved.\nException:\n"+error) 

OUT = resultSet

I mainly changed how the for loops work and added in “famDoc.Close()” and “famDoc.Dispose()” (is .Dispose() redundant?) to manage memory usage. This seems to work perfectly and is just as quick as the in-UI method, my only hesitation is why does the OOTB note “Document.SaveFamilyToFolder” (or any other package’s save family nodes) not seem to use this since I still have RAM issues with them?

If anyone could take a look at the Python code and advise if there are any issues, that would be great!
