Direction vs Course

Hi everyone,

Before asking, I would like to clarify some terms and please help me if I’m wrong because English is not my native language. English has vey confusing usage of “Direction”, because it is used for two different things.

Direction is an infinite line defined by two points (A and B). Course (or some other word I don’t know of) is an infinite line that has information about the movement as well (A towards B or B towards A). Correct me if I’m wrong.

I understand that vectors in Dynamo can be directions. How can I create the course?

Best to teach this with an analogy.

Imagine you have landed on a deserted island, and you have a map showing you where some long lost treasure is and a compass. You know it’s 15 paces east, then 20 paces north, and 3 paces west. In order to make sure you can get back safely you tie a rope to a pin at the starting point and lay down a little more rope each step you take.

To me:
Direction is the compass heading: north, east, south, west.
Course is the resulting rope layout.

To me directions are best expressed as vectors, and courses as a type of curve (nurbs, polycurve, etc.).


Ok, now that I understand what is a direction, can you please explain how is that direction expressed in a vector? I see X, Y, Z, and length as output… I don’t get it.

The direction that plane is pointing is 0 units on the X axis, -1 units on the Z axis, and 0 units on the Z axis.

If you take the plane and translate (move) it by 10 units on the X, Y, and Z direction, the copy will still have the same normal.

Aaah, I get it now. The vector is just showing the X,Y,Z of the point towards the object is hypothetically moving, just as you would be moving from Africa toward the North Pole, the vector in Dynamo would be showing the coordinates of the North Pole, Am I right?

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Yes - vectors don’t have a start point; they are all defined relative to the internal origin. My compass and your compass both point north.



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Look at Euclidean space if you want to wrap your head around vectors.