Create Instances of linked Revit model on specified locations

Hello @Cristiano

Sorry, I posted the script without the services.
Regarding to that workflow, it’s actually nice.

Please allow me to suggest a more flexible workflow,
First install Synthesize Toolkit Package, and navigate to the extra folder.
You will see for links :
Links.K-Array With Curves Selection.dyn

Also for groups :
Groups.K-Array With Curves Selection.dyn

Those contains the following workflow in youtube video but applied for links and groups

This might help you in some other cases or in your own case for complex arraying.

You can see the python scripts and the nodes of the above dyn files.
The node for links is called : Revit Links Batch Placement
The node for groups is called : Groups Batch Placement

But listen to me,
I would suggest the following :
Place an instance of the link, then create a model group of it.
You can change the origin point of the group easily.

Then use the K-Array or your own workflow by matching with points of your desire in your masses.

In this case, you will not have to modify the base point nor shared point nor even thinking of them because your origin would be from the group it self.

Everything in Synthesize Toolkit works with all dynamo versions starting from 1.3 and above up to 2.2

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