Create and add view filter (ParameterFilterElement)

Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Showing clearly what you need is step one. Step two is to show some work that you have done. This forum is not exactly a place where you just post “tell me how to do this because i need this for my homework/work, and send the ready definition to my email”. It’s a community support forum and we (at least I do) have some rules that we follow.


  1. Post clear description of problem. Images, sample files are welcome. Please only post minimum required to duplicate the issue.

  2. Show some work that you have done and got stuck on. Post with no work shown, and flat out asking for handouts are going to get ignored (by me).

Again, this is a support forum. These rules are not so different than what you see here: Grasshopper Forum or at StackOverflow Forum
