Could not add reference to assembly IronPython.Wpf

Hello everyone, I made a tool in python to serve my work. The problem is that this tool works in versions before Revit 2023. The strange thing is that my personal computer at home still works in Revit 2023. Only when using it on the company computer I get the error as shown below. Please help me with this problem. Thank you.


Perhaps if you share your code we could have a look? Also maybe put a post in the Py forum? :wink:



@Mark.Ackerley sorry, this is an internal tool that I made for the company so I can’t share the code. I will put a post in the Py forum. Thank you for your suggestion.

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Yes pyrevit troubleshooting for pyrevit forum please, closed.

Word of advice, you will be unlikely to get direct help without at least sharing the boilerplate.