Conocer cuales son los Script o Nodos más complejos de Dynamo -Know which are the most complex Scripts or Nodes of Dynamo

Un excelente día a todos desde Ecuador mis cordiales Saludos.

Soy un principiante en Revit y el uso de su Coplemento Dynamo, quería saber para lo que nos encontramos estudiando cuales son los Script o nodos mas complejos de entender o poner en practica, me ayudaría mucho el saber cuales son los mismos ya que deseo conocerlos y poder llegar a dominarlos.

Un excelente día a todos

An excellent day to all from Ecuador my cordial greetings.

I am a beginner in Revit and the use of its Dynamo Complement, I wanted to know what we are studying for which are the most complex Scripts or nodes to understand or put into practice, it would help me a lot to know which ones they are since I want to know them and be able to dominate them.

An excellent day to all

@cmarcelobarberan , Hola, Que tal?

es tambien un forum para practicar ingles :wink:

Hello and welcome…the forum is in english try to translate before

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Thank you, I will keep it in mind in my participation