Hello Everyone,
I am very new to Dynamo. I learned about the program less then a week ago and is very intrigued, therefore I started to absorb as much as a can to learn the program. I started creating my own script and I cant figure out how to compare a value in a list with a list of values. please check my image:
I want to compare the top list value [0] to the entire list at the bottom, then the value [1] to the entire bottom list, etc . The best I can explain it is with this formula: if (a==0.25, true, if (a==0.5,true, if (a==0.75, true, if(a==0,true,false)))). The return would be a list true or false that can be placed in a Boolean filter.
I Tried
-Cross Lace - but I am having trouble returning the nested list to a single list of just true and false.
-I also tried variations of List.Create, IndexOf, BoolFilter, List.Map combinations using the single list and nest list with no results.
Thank you very much for reading. Any hints or direction would be wonderful. Thanks