Each point that we took, what we want to filter, it’s there all of them, but if you take another point here that has, the PV has the same criteria, it’s the name of the PV, it’s the same, so it was what I was trying to do with this name here.
So, inside the dynamo, I pulled. An option for him to understand which document I opened, I made a code block with quotes saying which name I wanted to filter, and I created a nomaqui called Document.BlockByName, so he went to look for the name in the document and found it, as we can see in Block .BlockReferences it found 46 blocks with that name. The next step was to try to use a node to visualize what’s inside these blocks, but I couldn’t. Which node should I use? Is there any external package that does this?
Because I’m trying to see properties by name, and he didn’t find it returning an empty list,
If I know which node I need to use, I can recognize the items and then put a filter returning the information I need.