Hey Gavin, I’m using your package to get the curves of the crops of elevation views. However it doesn’t show the crop of that is active but rather the crop of the entire building. I think the elevation crops are activated in Revit once they are generated but start with the crops that Dynamo grabs.
It seems I am missing something because all I want to do is enlarge the crop view so the walls are included.
Is there a way to get the ‘activated’ crops or will I have to split the scripts?
Feel free to tag me in future, that way I see it.
Generally the node will retrieve the crop curves at the time the node is run. If the crop changes during the session of dynamo it only updates if the node is forced to run again. This is how most nodes in Dynamo work.
If you mean something else feel free to specify with screenshots.
Oh pardon me, I thought I was sending a direct message instead of creating a post
My script works as follows:
- Select rooms
- place elevationmarkers at room center (polygon center)
- Generate and rename the views and place them per 4 on a newly created sheet with the name of the room it was placed in
- Align the 4 views centers in a rectangle like fashion, centered on the sheet
- Offset the crop box.
6 dimension the tile walls and place an icon to show where to start tiling (still have to build this part)
For part 5 is there then a way to:
A) pause part of the script until Revit grabs finishes a certain part of the script or will I have to split the script in 2? (The order of the nodes doesn’t affect this unfortunately.)
B) grab the room that the elevation is placed in and use that bounding box + an offset?
Splitting the script in two would be unfortunate. I also don’t know if I could still get the correct crop boxes. I would have to test this. So I am hoping there is a way to use option B but I have no idea how to get the correct cropbox of the room, as they are in different planes
Generally this should be doable in one run I think if you use passthrough nodes (in Crumple I call the node Flow.WaitFor or Flow.Await I think).
Effectively you can get your data to not go forward until other nodes have finished.
Yeah I managed it with Transaction start and Transaction end. This breaks the script in two. I’m not a fan of this because now it requires 2 undo’s per script run but yeah it’s cleaner for sure.
I still get some weird Elevation views that don’t stick to the boundaries of the room so I think I will have to keep working on it. Thanks for the help