Change a selection of families categories in a project

Hello, I’m trying to use Dynamo to change the category of a selection of about 62 Specialty Equipment families to Medical Equipment families. Please see image attached. The error I am getting is “Warning: Internal error, please report: Dereferencing a non-pointer.” Ive spent hours reading forums and tutorials… getting no where.

This seems so simple… Select group of Families, change category, done.

You’ll need to select something from that drop down, else it’s sending nothing. You’ll also want a family rather than a family type. A string isn’t a category, so you’ll want to get the Medical Equipment category rather than a piece of text that says Medical Equipment.

Finally, ‘Category’ isn’t a parameter, so the SetParameter isn’t going to work. You’ll need to tell Dynamo to edit the family document, set its category, then reload it. The Orchid package has good nodes for this.

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Hello @SRobbins-TKD as @Hamish say you will need edit the family doc…here is an example with Genius Loci…
