C# for Zero Touch Tutorials

I think you spawned a similar thread here…

You need a fair understanding of C# and the Revit API, not to say you shouldn’t give it a go, but if you are more comfortable in python then perhaps learn in python first as it will still speed computation up more than to string lots of nodes together and will ease you into the Revit API first before learning C#.

Harry Mattison (boost your bim) did a course on udemy which was pretty good (but probably quite outdated now) which was a C# based course for the Revit API targeted at beginners, but having a basic understanding of classes and data types is a prerequisite in my opinion (and it costs money).

Danny Bentley has done some cool videos too on YouTube (and these are free) and there is the ADN page/forum for revit which is a great resource. Check out the building coder blog spot by Jeremy Tammik (most people here who code will consider it their go to blog for all things revit API)

All in all, If you are interested in learning, start off small and build upon it. Like you said, there is no easy button (unless you code one up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)