BimorphNodes v3.0 for Dynamo adds Recursive CAD Link/Import Text Extraction Without Exploding

It might be an issue with layer names and language. Also there is a known bug in that node which relates to certain characters in the layer names. Try converting text on 1 layer at a time to reproduce the error, and once the problem layer is identified, share your file and I’ll add it to our bug fixes.


Thanks a lot for a brilliant Bimorph package!
Could you be so kind to upgrade Bimorph nodes for Revit 2022?
Can’t use many current solutions without it.
Element.IntersectsSolid no longer works.
Error message is:
“Warning: Element.IntersectsSolid operation failed.
Could not load type ‘Autodesk.Revit.DB.DisplayUnitType’ from assembly ‘RevitAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.”

And one more thing about improvement of Curve.SolidIntersection.
If some curves didn’t intersect solid, we lose info about it.
Maybe we can have this result list:
[empty,curve,empty] where empty lists are curves, which didn’t intersect solid.
It will be very handy for further lists integrity and operations.

Thanks in advance!

Maybe the solid is the problem

Thank you by your answer. I was trying with many individual layers and happens the same. You can see the problem with a very simple layer name:

I am going to try with Revit 2021 to see if is a problem of the Revit version.

Works with Revit 2021…

Its on the agenda, however I can say when the next release is as I’m too busy right now and want to completely refactor the entire codebase. I’ll aim to do this before the end of May but its tentative for now!


Can you DM me a minimal reproducible case (Revit file) and I’ll investigate.

I am a Chinese student. I chose CAD link, but there was no result output. I don’t know what caused it. What should I do to import the link CAD into Revit text? Thank you for your help

Hi @727451111 I think you might be referring to a problem which cropped up in BimorphNodes V4.0.12 which prevented the CADTextData nodes from loading.

If this is the case, download V4.0.13 for the fix.

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你好 ,我目前的版本是最新的,但在CADTextData.FromLayers输出为空,我卸载后 重新下载BimorphNodes V4.0.13 ,但是它依然没有输出结果,是cad 链接有什么要求吗?非常感谢您的回复

Make sure your graph is run if its in Manual execution mode. The CAD instance can either be linked or imported but it must be present in the active document. If the CAD instance is derived from a linked Revit document or family document then the node will not work.

Hello, thank you very much for your help. I still haven’t found the problem. I was wondering if it might be the dynamo version problem. My is revit2019 dynamo 1.3. Thank you again for your reply

Yes that is the problem, thanks for mentioning it. BimorphNodes V4 is only compatible with Dynamo 2.x and above. You’ll need to upgrade Dynamo or uninstall v1.3 if you already have v2.x installed.

Thank you again for your help and wish you a bright future

Sorry, sir, I have queried some nodes, but I still can’t use them. If you have time, can you show the tutorial on the use of cadtextdata in detail? I really don’t understand the relationship between input and output. Thank you very much for your help.

@Thomas_Mahon, thank you for the beautiful and lovely set of nodes! This package is immensely helpful.

I’m wondering if there is a way to get the associated block name (if one exists) for either the CAD lines, or the CADText? This would provide another helpful means of grouping and sorting the lines and text. I see that I can get a list of the BlockNames from GeniusLoci. So the block names are somehow accessible from Dynamo, I don’t see a way to associate those with the lines or text. Is this doable?


Can they be used in Civil 3D? because I downloaded the package and it doesn’t appear anywhere.

It only targets the Revit API currently.

Thank you