Bimorph nodes v2.2 adds holistic support for linked-element clash detection with new LinkElement nodes

@brunelli.b examining your image more closely, its likely your problem was caused by whichever custom node you are using to collect the LinkInstances; it’s returning raw Revit API RevitLinkInstance objects and not wrapping them in Dynamo’s Revit wrapper class.

Raw API objects are not compatible with any OOTB Dynamo node or custom nodes that adhere to Dynamo’s object model (i.e. BimorphNodes). You might find your problem is resolved by using OOTB Element Types (pick RevitLinkInstance) + All Elements of Type nodes to collect the LinkInstances as they are Dynamo (and BimorphNode) compatible. This issue has been widely reported by other users of BimorphNodes, so special support for RevitLinkInstance types has since been added to the LinkElement.OfCategory (v2.2.9) node to mitigate the problems its causing. However, I recommend using OOTB Dynamo nodes to collect the LinkInstances to prevent any possible corruptions occurring elsewhere in your graph.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Interference Check

Thank you for this package: I think they’re great.

Two quick items regarding the CAD.SetObjectStyle node:

  1. The video on your website shows using the Color Palette node but the dyn example uses the Color.byARGB node. I couldn’t get the palette node to work, but the byARGB did.

  2. Can the CAD.SetObjectStyle node be modified to include the Line Pattern? This would be very helpful to correcting linked DWGs.

Thank you again for your efforts!!
Thom K.

Hi @Thom_Krejci good idea, its quick to implement (reuses the LineStyle.Create node pattern infrastructure!) so I’ve gone and added it. Setting line patterns is not available in the Revit 2016 API, so the pattern input has a default value which subsequently defaults to the Solid line style if you do use Revit 2016 (the node checks which version you are using). The importInstance is also now returned to support downstream workflows, once the modification takes place. I’ve added this update to BimorphNodes v2.5 available on the Package Manager:

That is fantastic!

Thank you so much for doing this: I’ve updated my package.

-Thom K.

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Thank you! You saved me with the LinkElement nodes. Big thank you!

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Hello dear @Thomas_Mahon,

I would like to know what is the best way to know the clash coordinate points of the elements that are clashing in the project and links. Is that information possible to get as Navisworks does? I saw a Bimorph node called linked element location.

Thanks for your awesome development of the package.