Behaviour of list.contains

Hi all,

I got a weird behaviour with the list.contains node.
as you can see in the image with red arrow ‘a’, and red arrow ‘b’ both values are the same, but why does list contains return false(red arrow ‘c’)?

I hope someone has an explanation for this

Thanks in advance

Gr Edward

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@1234eddie , hi

check your listLevels! it looks confusing… i rebuild it as good as i can it works

Could it be that the numbers are rounded ? maybe you have to care about the digits!

It’s likely that there’s internal rounding that shows the same number even though they have different values. Just round to a couple decimal places and you should be fine.

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Hi @Draxl_Andreas @Nick_Boyts
both thanks for your replies.
I did multipy the values by 1 million but stil no difference between them. So i went with the math.round, and now the ‘bool’ list is correct.

Gr Edward