Translated by moderator. Original post below the line.
Hello, how can I activate the view navigation box again in dynamo, I already tried with ctr+b and it doesn’t work and in the view view that option does not appear active, could someone help me, thank you.
Original post below
hola, como puedo volver activar el cuadro de navegación de vista en dynamo, ya probe con ctr+b y no funciona y en la vista ver no me aparece activo esa opcion, alguien podria yudarme gracias.
@lisbeth welcome to the forum!
The official language here is English, which sadly is a requirement to make search work (otherwise I’d practice my Swedish). Please run future posts though a translation and provide either just the translation or the translation and the original text as I did in the edit to your post prior to submitting.
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Hola amiga @lisbeth buenas, como estas?? chiin te regañaron!! 
is right there in:
view \ Background 3D Preview \ Aviable Previews \ Background Preview
in spanish version:
ver \ Vista preliminar 3D en segundo plano \ Vistas preliminares disponibles \ Vista 3D prelimiar en segundo plano.
the option should be check to recover your back ground 3D preview.