Buen dia grupo, espero que todos se encuentren muy bien.
Quisiera saber si alguno me podria ayudar liberando una duda que se me genero, me gustaria saber como puedo crear un punto eje o una linea centro entre dos lineas paralelas con algun Nodo de Dynamo, seria de gran ayuda si me pueden dar informacion exacta.
Agradezco la atencion y una pronta respuesta.
Good morning group, I hope everyone is very well.
I would like to know if someone could help me by clearing up a doubt that was generated, I would like to know how I can create an axis point or a center line between two parallel lines with a Dynamo Node, it would be of great help if you can give me exact information.
I appreciate your attention and prompt response.
Please use English when writing and responding to posts. It’s the “official” language of the forum in an attempt to keep things standardized and help with search functionality. You can use Google Translate if needed.
As for your question, this can be done but we’d need more information in order to know exactly what you’re after and how to help. You could start with Curve.PointAtParameter
and Line.ByStartPointEndPoint
and see how far that gets you.
just a pic @ingjaidenrincon from @Nick_Boyts
escribe en ingles! , aunque quiero mejorar mi espanol 
buenas Noches en Austria
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hello, (a picture is worth a thousand words
) if you want to draw a parallel in the middle of 2 parallel lines the first 2 nodes of the link (Dynamo Dictionary
Dynamo Dictionary ) go in this direction
1- distance to: to find the distance
2- offset to impose the half distance