Assembly modify origin


For completeness (as I really didnt fully answer the Question as I was pushed for time) I have added a few additional nodes in this script to help modifying the Assemblies Transform. These include the following Post Assembly Creation Utils:-

  • RotateOriginAboutAxis (as above)
    ** Rotates the Assemblies Transform about the specified Axis by the specified Rotation in degrees.
  • OrientToFace
    ** Orient/Relocates the Assemblies Transform to the Location of a Point on the Given Surface.
  • OrientToPlane
    ** Orient/Relocates the Assemblies Transform to the Location of a Point on the Given Plane.
  • MatchTransform
    ** Matches the Assemblies Transform to the Transform of another Element. @john1, this will probably be more suitable for your case.

AssemblyUtils.dyn (28.1 KB)

Hope these come in handy. :slight_smile:
