Argh, lists!

I am trying to remove index 0 from list 0
I am trying to remove index 1 from list 1
I am trying to remove index 2 from list 2
I am trying to remove index x from list x …


This doesn’t work… Why not?

I have done it like this (below) instead but am interested as lists still give me a headache :confused:

When the List.RemoveItemAtIndex reachs index 3 of the list, items = (2,3,4) , you want to remove index 3 of this sublist, but this subliist doesn’t have index 3, or it does have it? I can’t see. And it seems like that all your sublists have just 3 items. Am I right?

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OMG… I am an idiot! facepalm
Amazing what you miss when you stare at it too long!

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Haha, it happens!