Are NavisWork24 and Dynaworks22 compatible?

is there anyone who knows if Navis24 and Dynaworks22 are compatible (taking into account I have Revit 23)?


See this repo: GitHub - Gytaco/DynaWorks: This library contains the library files for using Navisworks and Dynamo

The versions for 2014 and 2015 are separate, and if you dive into them or check out the readme you’ll notice it loads the particular version of Navisworks associated to the release.

For 14: DynaWorks/2014/LibaryFiles at master · Gytaco/DynaWorks · GitHub
For 15: DynaWorks/2015/LibraryFiles at master · Gytaco/DynaWorks · GitHub

I am not aware of a public repository for Navisworks 2016 to 2022, or a version for 2023 or 2024.

Thanks ,at the end I solved the problem by using a previous version of Naviswork, It seems Dynaworks goes no further than Navis 22, thanks anyway

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