how to add a reference ?
in that case Autodesk ?
(for building ZeroTouchNode)
in tutorials it is already preset - how can i create my frame?
chatGPT i have to referer to .dll files they are not there
how to add a reference ?
in that case Autodesk ?
in tutorials it is already preset - how can i create my frame?
chatGPT i have to referer to .dll files they are not there
Chat GPT is t going to help here. Set it aside for a week and leverage google instead to find good repositories and tutorials. Skip nothing when you get one.
This is my preferred ‘getting started’ resource. It covers setting up the project and all the rest of the initial configurations for Dynamo and Dynamo for Revit versions from 2.0 to 2.19. I haven’t tried 3.0 yet.
Using Autodesk is not anymore a error…
but the simplest geometry, point is not recognized ;(
is here a package (reference)still missing?
I need to see a full code sample including your using statements, and your project references, and the error message in VisualStudio. Otherwise we’re just guessing, and my gut tells me that your flux capacitor setting is incorrect. That or namespace collision.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Autodesk.DesignScript.Runtime;
using Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry;
namespace MyDraxl
public class Basics
public static Point DpointNode(Double x = 0, Double y = 1, Double z = 1)
Point DPoint;
DPoint = Point.ByCoordinates(x, y, z);
return DPoint;
here are Built structure
i follow this
What does the error message say in your IDE?
Error message is pretty clear - you’re using System.Drawing and Dynamo Geometry you’ve got two things called ‘point’. As a result it doesn’t know if you want to use System.Drawing to make the point or Dynamo Geometry to make the point.
To get the point across (pun!) you will need to call out your namespace.
Assuming you’re attempting to build a zero touch node, I’d make life easier still and remove System.Drawing from the using statements.
If you were planning on using those for something, consider calling them in a separate class (new .cs file) that gets called by the Dynamo node. That has a big advantage as you can call the same class in other tools too, so your Dynamo tool can more readily port to a Revit add-in as one example.
i understand so System.Drawing and Dynamo… Modules have same name spaces!
well it works, i load direktly .dll
next step is .json
I think i got it, but debug mode is hell. so you can not experiment as in python. you should have a solid aim in your workflows! open/close Revit, delete path and reload.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MyDraxl
public class Combine
// Method to combine two arrays of strings into a list of arrays
public static List<string[]> Combined(string[] array1, string[] array2)
// Zip the two arrays and create an array of each pair
var zip = array1.Zip(array2, (a, b) => new string[] { a, b });
// Return the result as a list of arrays
return zip.ToList();
it works at least
Sounds like you need to update your IDE - latest Visual Studio can ‘hot reload’ in most circumstances. Also as you aren’t loading the Revit API you’re better off building this for Dynamo Sandbox for now; it’ll help debugging as you can load faster and you’ll be able to hot reload more often.