Filter outer beam surface

Perhaps you can use part of @Dieter_Vermeulen 's method for creating views here to get the beam surfaces

Yes. Bounding boxes are aligned to the world XYZ, not the smallest box they fit in on any angle (though that would be a fun solve!).

My reasoning for filtering out the top and bottom early is because the original post only asked for sides, so by removing the unwanted data (geometry associated with the top and bottom) I can reduce calculation time as I’ll do up to 2/3 of the total line creation and intersection tests vs if I leave them in. You could leave them, but the simple logic (ask for a value from an item and seeing if it’s the same as a desired value) is a really fast operation compared to geometry tests, specifically when those geometry tests are laced. Pulling the original geometry for the intersection testing rather than working with the surfaces was also an intentional means of reducing the amount of tests.

Sorry - most of my posts are done via mobile while on the train so it can be a bit hard to figure who said what. Specifically when you both had so many good points! Really good to see dialogs like this. :slight_smile:

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This should give the outer surfaces of even beams that aren’t aligned or perpendicular o the X/Y axis
beamSurface.dyn (40.4 KB)