' 0:< Initial VM: Avail 134213262 MB, Used 20 MB, Peak 20; RAM: Avail 16352 MB, Used 58 MB, Peak 20 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9999, Used 1, User: Used 1 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:34.068; started recording journal file ' Build: 20220517_1515(x64) ' Branch: RELEASE_2021 ' Release: 2021.1.7 Dim Jrn Set Jrn = CrsJournalScript 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:34.083; ->desktop InitApplication 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:34.130; <-desktop InitApplication 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:34.130; ->desktop InitNativeInstance ' 0:< Options::loadOptions: m_strDataLibraryLocations=Imperial Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Libraries\English-Imperial\, Metric Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Libraries\English\,,Areabook Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Libraries\English-Imperial\Areabook Library,Buildingbook Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Libraries\English-Imperial\Buildingbook Library,Roombook Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Libraries\English-Imperial\Roombook Library (defaultLib==\Library) ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 134213250 MB, Used +4 -> 25 MB, Peak +4 -> 25 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 16336 MB, Used +6 -> 65 MB, Peak +6 -> 65 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9999, Used 1, User: Used 6 ' 0.625257 1:<< 134213223 MB, Used +1 -> 27 MB, Peak +2 -> 28 MB; RAM: Avail +8 -> 16345 MB, Used +7 -> 73 MB, Peak +8 -> 73 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9991, Used 9, User: Used 20 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:35.415; 0:< License initialization complete ' 0:< License version: 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:35.415; ->loadAllDB (this=000002426A85FA00) ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -143 -> 134213080 MB, Used +25 -> 52 MB, Peak +29 -> 57 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 16328 MB, Used +34 -> 108 MB, Peak +34 -> 108 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9991, Used 9, User: Used 20 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:37.140; <-loadAllDB (this=000002426A85FA00) ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -35 -> 134213046 MB, Used +5 -> 57 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 16307 MB, Used +21 -> 129 MB, Peak +21 -> 129 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9991, Used 9, User: Used 46 ' 0:< SystemSettings: ' 0:< 8=multiCoreCharacteristic ' 0:< true=isDotNetInstalled ' 0:< 4.8.04084(528372)=dotNetInstalledVersionString ' 0:< false=isProcessUserModeExceptionPolicyDisabledForCallbackFilter ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -688 -> 134212358 MB, Used +23 -> 81 MB, Peak +23 -> 81 MB; RAM: Avail -8 -> 16300 MB, Used +33 -> 162 MB, Peak +33 -> 162 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9980, Used 20, User: Used 61 ' 0:< CefSharp has been initialized successfully! ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 134212351 MB, Used +9 -> 90 MB, Peak +9 -> 90 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 16301 MB, Used +13 -> 176 MB, Peak +13 -> 176 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9978, Used 22, User: Used 69 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:40.368; 0:< manage licensing 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:42.097; 0:< LicenseUpd(1) 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:42.097; 0:< Delayed start ' 0:< License mode: User ' 0:< Status: Your license will expire in 1136 days. ' 0:< Type: USER ' 0:< Usage: USER ' 0:< Behavior: USER ' 0:< Expiration: Tuesday, July 15, 2025 ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -126 -> 134212225 MB, Used +34 -> 125 MB, Peak +35 -> 126 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 16289 MB, Used +41 -> 217 MB, Peak +41 -> 218 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9943, Used 57, User: Used 75 ' 0:< Setting WPF rendering mode to SoftwareOnly ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -7 -> 134212218 MB, Used +2 -> 128 MB, Peak +2 -> 128 MB; RAM: Avail -32 -> 16257 MB, Used +8 -> 226 MB, Peak +8 -> 226 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9884, Used 116, User: Used 130 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-16, cy-60, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -69 -> 134212150 MB, Used +39 -> 167 MB, Peak +38 -> 167 MB; RAM: Avail -46 -> 16211 MB, Used +43 -> 269 MB, Peak +43 -> 269 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9876, Used 124, User: Used 132 ' 0:< Autodesk Revit 2021 ' 0:< 64-bit load point = D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021 ' 0:< this journal = C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2021\Journals\journal.0144.txt ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 134212139 MB, Used +0 -> 168 MB, Peak +0 -> 168 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 16206 MB, Used +5 -> 275 MB, Peak +5 -> 275 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9876, Used 124, User: Used 133 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; Journal Init 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Log Summary ' 0:< .Marshalling ' 0:< ...CompactCaching = 1 (Enabled) ' 0:< .ThreadPool ' 0:< ...ActivePoolSize = 51 ' 0:< ...ConfiguredPoolSize = automatic ' 0:< ...ParallelCores = 8 ' 0:< ...RequestedPoolSize = automatic ' 0:< .Tuning ' 0:< ...ElemTable = 1 (Serial except when multithreaded) 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; BC: 0,0,0 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "CategoryDisciplineFilter" _ , 63 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "DisciplineOption" _ , 32253 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _ , "StayOnModifyInProject", 0 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _ , "StayOnModifyInFamily", 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _ , "ActiveCtOnSelection", 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Data "JournalDefaultTemplate" _ , "Imperial-Construction Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English-Imperial\Construction-Default.rte, Imperial-Architectural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English-Imperial\Default.rte, Imperial-Structural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English-Imperial\Structural Analysis-Default.rte, Imperial-Systems Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English-Imperial\Systems-Default.rte, Metric-Construction Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English\Construction-DefaultMetric.rte, Metric-Architectural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English\DefaultMetric.rte, Metric-Structural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English\Structural Analysis-DefaultMetric.rte, Metric-Mechanical Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\English\Systems-DefaultMetric.rte" 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Data "JournalDefaultViewDiscipline" _ , "Coordination" 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "Version" _ , "2021.000", "2.166" 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "Username" _ , "amcaleese" 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "AllowLinkSelection" _ , 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "AllowFaceSelection" _ , 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "AllowUnderlaySelection" _ , 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "AllowPinnedSelection" _ , 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ThinLinesEnabled" _ , 0 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetIntervalMeters" _ , 3280.83989501312317 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetIntervalFeet" _ , 100.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetIntervalUsSurvey" _ , 100.00020000040000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetOffsetMeters" _ , 0.01640419947507 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetOffsetFeet" _ , 0.01041666666667 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.120; 0:< Jrn.Directive "JournalDataAlignmentStationLabelSetOffsetUsSurvey" _ , 0.01041668750004 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.154; 1:< logging main created main queue Session18800_P0MasterQueue 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.154; 1:< logging started queue minder 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.154; 1:< logging started worker services ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -40 -> 134212099 MB, Used +11 -> 180 MB, Peak +12 -> 181 MB; RAM: Avail -35 -> 16172 MB, Used +14 -> 290 MB, Peak +15 -> 290 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9868, Used 132, User: Used 145 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:11:51.523; 0:< Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Architecture" ' 0:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 134212090 MB, Used +25 -> 206 MB, Peak +24 -> 206 MB; RAM: Avail -92 -> 16080 MB, Used +24 -> 314 MB, Peak +23 -> 314 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9859, Used 141, User: Used 153 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:11:53.528; DBG_INFO: WPFWndProxy::OnWndMsgPreWPF() called after WPFWndProxy::OnWndMsgPostWPF()!: line 248 of D:\Ship\2021_px64\Source\Revit\RevitMFC\Frames\MFCMainFrmWPF.cpp. ' 0:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -18 -> 134212073 MB, Used +19 -> 225 MB, Peak +19 -> 225 MB; RAM: Avail -29 -> 16051 MB, Used +25 -> 340 MB, Peak +25 -> 340 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9842, Used 158, User: Used 154 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(DirectContext3D Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(External Resource Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(NavisworksExportService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a9bdf0fd-2632-429e-bc35-50ebc2b824d2) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Infrastructure Alignment Information Service.); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(7ca4bc09-66de-4fed-93db-5c8e02874e9d) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(EntitlementExternalService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(9111ab07-9bd9-4b68-a01f-c0a0dcae1564) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(CloudExternalService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(279080e0-8c45-44eb-9027-d4eb37ece90d) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Code Checking Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(de6db8de-dea6-40bd-9503-4ffe62ff6143) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Hole Definition Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(9d39d4fe-6e5f-4088-8655-b349d00e864a) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(FramingProfileService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b2f816c0-6493-4537-8067-78a4e67f559e) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Modify Connection Parameters Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e9c0f948-320e-4e7f-a573-10755555305d) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Connection Type Changed Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e31c3100-9cab-4303-b85b-4171703ce1c4) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Section Type Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Site Insert Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(c9979a42-11ab-4c25-93e1-abfb50b7be60) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(RebarUpdateService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a2c22b44-c231-4d3f-b653-b81b6f8be150) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Path of travel calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(ee502325-58ce-4d6e-9a2c-643608b1fbd9) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Internal Forces Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(ATF Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(bb3a96c9-e04a-40e4-8ecf-1464dd6aa7eb) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Export Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Exporter); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(ef8d0493-7f36-42b5-b9aa-8aaac716482b); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:11:53.699; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: ef8d0493-7f36-42b5-b9aa-8aaac716482b Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Import Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Importer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(660a7370-f6d6-43c8-8456-6b2eea785110); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:11:53.699; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 660a7370-f6d6-43c8-8456-6b2eea785110 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Plumbing Flow Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(External Resource UI Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Site Linker UI Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a177f6c8-d1f6-49e2-87bc-f70edbeac5a3) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Point Cloud Snapping Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(aaa05780-790c-43dc-bc41-1c2150227f45) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct fitting and accessory pressure drop UI service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe fitting and accessory pressure drop UI service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) } ' 0:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -33 -> 134212041 MB, Used +3 -> 228 MB, Peak +8 -> 233 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 16018 MB, Used +6 -> 346 MB, Peak +13 -> 354 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9843, Used 157, User: Used 156 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35011, name Multiple paths, class PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.MultiplePathsCmd, vendorId ADSK (), assembly PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35012, name One Way Indicator, class PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.OneWayIndicatorCmd, vendorId ADSK (), assembly PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35013, name People Content, class PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.PeopleContentCmd, vendorId ADSK (), assembly PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35014, name Create FilledRegion with a FillPattern, class PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.SpatialGridCmd, vendorId ADSK (), assembly PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35015, name Navisworks 2021, class NavisWorks18.LcRevitExportCommand, vendorId ADSK (Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), assembly ./revit_exporter2021.Addin.bundle/nwexportrevit2021/nwexportrevit_18.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton 35016, name Navisworks SwitchBack 2021, class NavisWorks18.LcActivateSwitchBack, vendorId ADSK (Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), assembly ./revit_exporter2021.Addin.bundle/nwexportrevit2021/nwexportrevit_18.dll } ' 0:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -99 -> 134211942 MB, Used +21 -> 249 MB, Peak +18 -> 252 MB; RAM: Avail -41 -> 15978 MB, Used +27 -> 374 MB, Peak +22 -> 376 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9843, Used 157, User: Used 156 ' 0:< To make IFC server work. ' 0:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -152 -> 134211791 MB, Used +44 -> 294 MB, Peak +44 -> 296 MB; RAM: Avail -84 -> 15894 MB, Used +65 -> 440 MB, Peak +64 -> 441 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9843, Used 157, User: Used 156 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application ATF Translation Server (fa3d130b-2b6b-45be-8734-67536086143f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: ATF Translation Server, Class: ATFTranslationServer.ATFTranslationServerRegister, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Autodesk.ATFTranslationServer.DBApplication\Autodesk.ATFTranslationServer.DBApplication.dll } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'AlignmentsDB: Update or delete alignment station labels.' registered for all documents. ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'AlignmentsDB: Update alignment depending on units.' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(AecAlignment Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(0558397d-5761-4a0d-8883-42a166446d81); ServiceId(7ca4bc09-66de-4fed-93db-5c8e02874e9d) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:02.438; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 0558397d-5761-4a0d-8883-42a166446d81 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 7ca4bc09-66de-4fed-93db-5c8e02874e9d ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: AlignmentsDB, Class: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Infrastructure.AlignmentsDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\CivilAlignments\Autodesk.CivilAlignments.DBApplication.dll } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Coordination Model: CoordinationModelDBUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: Coordination Model, Class: Autodesk.CoordinationModelDB.CoordinationModelDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Coordination%20Models&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\CoordinationModel\Autodesk.CoordinationModelDB.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Link Topography Parser DBApplication (01673995-d4d5-4c62-a184-98e970ef7805). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Link Topography Parser DBApplication: Show Invalid Surfaces' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: Link Topography Parser DBApplication, Class: SiteLinker.SiteServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Link%20Topography&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SiteLinker\Autodesk.LinkTopography.Parser.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(ResultsBuilderService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(559a170d-3f6b-40da-a22d-56afd7ab7074) } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(ResultsChangedServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(6661389c-2324-4298-a8e6-f84c57648d1c); ServiceId(559a170d-3f6b-40da-a22d-56afd7ab7074) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:02.582; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 6661389c-2324-4298-a8e6-f84c57648d1c Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 559a170d-3f6b-40da-a22d-56afd7ab7074 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: Results Builder Application, Class: Autodesk.Revit.DB.ResultsBuilder.ResultsBuilderApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ResultsManagerExplorer\Autodesk.ResultsBuilder.DBApplication.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Route Analysis (40e082fd-2661-4bbb-83f0-e960745a72a2). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Route Analysis (40e082fd-2661-4bbb-83f0-e960745a72a2). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Simulex (tm) Calculation); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(3ac50ffe-852f-4a77-941f-851ddfbcbd57); ServiceId(ee502325-58ce-4d6e-9a2c-643608b1fbd9) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:02.622; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 3ac50ffe-852f-4a77-941f-851ddfbcbd57 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: ee502325-58ce-4d6e-9a2c-643608b1fbd9 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: Route Analysis, Class: RouteAnalysisDB.RouteAnalysisDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Path%20of%20Travel&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RouteAnalysis\Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.DBApplication.dll } ' 0:< ::6:: Delta VM: Avail -160 -> 134211631 MB, Used +30 -> 325 MB, Peak +30 -> 326 MB; RAM: Avail -156 -> 15739 MB, Used +54 -> 494 MB, Peak +55 -> 496 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9837, Used 163, User: Used 157 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreating event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpening event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaved event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering LinkedResourceOpened event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering LinkedResourceOpening event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Steel Connections DB extension: Steel Fabrication Updater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: Steel Connections DB extension, Class: Autodesk.SteelConnectionsDB.Main, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=detailed%20steel%20modeling&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SteelConnections\Autodesk.SteelConnectionsDB.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: StructuralRibbon, Class: Autodesk.Revit.DB.StructuralRibbon.Application, Vendor : ADSK(ADSK, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ResultsManagerExplorer\Autodesk.StructuralRibbon.Application.dll } ' 0:< ::6:: Delta VM: Avail -48 -> 134211584 MB, Used +5 -> 330 MB, Peak +4 -> 331 MB; RAM: Avail -50 -> 15690 MB, Used +8 -> 503 MB, Peak +7 -> 504 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 157 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Autodesk Drive Internal); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(baddc547-d952-4d29-ae01-16e71e75aa63); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:04.656; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: baddc547-d952-4d29-ae01-16e71e75aa63 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: ConnectedDesktopDB, Class: ConnectedDesktopDB.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ConnectedDesktop\ConnectedDesktopDB.dll } ' 0:< ::7:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 134211571 MB, Used +9 -> 340 MB, Peak +10 -> 341 MB; RAM: Avail -276 -> 15414 MB, Used +8 -> 512 MB, Peak +9 -> 513 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 157 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit Default DB Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.833; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: KeynoteDBServer, Class: KeynoteDBServer.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Keynote\KeynoteDBServer.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Plumbing Fixture Flow); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(56121d7d-e1d7-42a3-bed8-f4d1d32058c8); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.855; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 56121d7d-e1d7-42a3-bed8-f4d1d32058c8 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Altshul-Tsal Equation); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(042a10e0-8d24-46a4-9596-d192b3125d0c); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.863; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 042a10e0-8d24-46a4-9596-d192b3125d0c Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haaland Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(2e9a77c0-62a0-4693-9442-33312be60ad7); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.865; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 2e9a77c0-62a0-4693-9442-33312be60ad7 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haaland Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(58ea1b7c-2fca-453f-9ab9-7a3b9927ecc1); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.872; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 58ea1b7c-2fca-453f-9ab9-7a3b9927ecc1 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrook Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(e395a0ec-48a4-4255-b957-afbb3d73cb67); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.873; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: e395a0ec-48a4-4255-b957-afbb3d73cb67 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrook Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(0875f550-6141-4e34-a6b7-547cf9cfda01); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.873; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 0875f550-6141-4e34-a6b7-547cf9cfda01 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: StraightSegmentCalculationServersApp, Class: StraightSegmentCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\StraightSegmentCalculationServers.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Not Defined); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(76eff5da-2e71-45f7-b940-cc5716328ba0); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.883; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 76eff5da-2e71-45f7-b940-cc5716328ba0 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Coefficient from ASHRAE Table); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(8baf7d75-8b9b-46d0-b8ce-3ad1c19e6b19); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.884; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 8baf7d75-8b9b-46d0-b8ce-3ad1c19e6b19 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Coefficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(5a598293-1504-46cc-a9c0-de55c82848b9); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.884; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 5a598293-1504-46cc-a9c0-de55c82848b9 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Loss); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(46245996-eebb-4536-ac17-9c1cd917d8cf); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.885; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 46245996-eebb-4536-ac17-9c1cd917d8cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Not Defined); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(61e7b8e1-16d1-4fe4-82f0-327af736323f); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.892; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 61e7b8e1-16d1-4fe4-82f0-327af736323f Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(K Coefficient from Table); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(51dd5e98-a9dd-464b-b286-4a37953610bf); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.892; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 51dd5e98-a9dd-464b-b286-4a37953610bf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Coefficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(32d58662-b467-4f7b-b728-f6ad7b7ba5e3); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.893; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 32d58662-b467-4f7b-b728-f6ad7b7ba5e3 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Loss); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(16f4f7be-0ac0-461d-a9a4-1d3511cd280e); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.893; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 16f4f7be-0ac0-461d-a9a4-1d3511cd280e Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers, Class: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(CloudExternalServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(31ebe9da-aa3f-430d-a83f-fed6f1089070); ServiceId(279080e0-8c45-44eb-9027-d4eb37ece90d) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:09.925; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 31ebe9da-aa3f-430d-a83f-fed6f1089070 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 279080e0-8c45-44eb-9027-d4eb37ece90d 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:10.062; 0:< Journal Logger Registered with Application Services, from within CollaborateDB Addon ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpening event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetHubsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetProjectsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetFolderContentsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: CollaborateDB, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.Collaborate.CollaborateDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\CollaborateDB.dll } ' 0:< ::23:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134211567 MB, Used +1 -> 342 MB, Peak +1 -> 343 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 15402 MB, Used +5 -> 518 MB, Peak +5 -> 518 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 157 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application PeopleFlowDB (4226d41a-70c8-479c-9ab1-5510c03217a5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application PeopleFlowDB (4226d41a-70c8-479c-9ab1-5510c03217a5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Simulex (tm) calculation, specialized for people flow calculations.); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(29184a37-a361-4e7c-8e9f-7b04fb5a9bb2); ServiceId(ee502325-58ce-4d6e-9a2c-643608b1fbd9) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:10.168; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 29184a37-a361-4e7c-8e9f-7b04fb5a9bb2 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: ee502325-58ce-4d6e-9a2c-643608b1fbd9 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: PeopleFlowDB, Class: PeopleFlowToolkitDB.PeopleFlowToolkitDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\PeopleFlowToolkit\DocTranslateUtils.dll } ' 0:< AddInJournalClient is loading journal controls from path D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddInJrnCtls ' 0:< AddInJournalClient load journal control: FabricationPartBrowserListBox = D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddInJrnCtls\..\Addins\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll ' 0:< AddInJournalClient load journal control: ModelBrowserSaveAsCloudModelWindow = D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddInJrnCtls\..\Addins\ModelBrowser\Autodesk.RevitApplicationHome.Application.dll ' 0:< ::24:: Delta VM: Avail -30 -> 134211537 MB, Used +9 -> 351 MB, Peak +9 -> 352 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 15385 MB, Used +14 -> 533 MB, Peak +14 -> 533 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 161 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: AlignmentsUI, Class: Revit.Infrastructure.AlignmentsUI.AlignmentsUIApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.CivilAlignments.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COORDINATION_MODEL' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Coordination Model Interface' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\CoordinationModel\Autodesk.CoordinationModelUI.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Coordination Model Executed event by application Coordination Model Interface (9817e4a5-0333-4323-b69e-781db5f70005). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COORDINATION_MODEL' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Coordination Model Interface' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\CoordinationModel\Autodesk.CoordinationModelUI.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Coordination Model CanExecute event by application Coordination Model Interface (9817e4a5-0333-4323-b69e-781db5f70005). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Coordination Model Interface, Class: Autodesk.CoordinationModelUI.CoordinationModelUIApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Coordination%20Models&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.CoordinationModelUI.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Surface Distribution Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(88e37c6b-3ad6-4de3-a610-fcadcbb3021c); ServiceId(a2c22b44-c231-4d3f-b653-b81b6f8be150) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:10.906; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 88e37c6b-3ad6-4de3-a610-fcadcbb3021c Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: a2c22b44-c231-4d3f-b653-b81b6f8be150 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Transversal Reinforcement Server ); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(78ce2a95-71e7-4fe2-96ee-a38554320ea6); ServiceId(a2c22b44-c231-4d3f-b653-b81b6f8be150) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:10.907; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 78ce2a95-71e7-4fe2-96ee-a38554320ea6 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: a2c22b44-c231-4d3f-b653-b81b6f8be150 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Free Form Rebar, Class: FreeFormRebar.FreeFormRebar, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=Free%20Form%20Rebar&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: Autodesk.FreeFormRebar.DB.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_IFC' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'IFC override' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Autodesk.IFC.Export.UI\Autodesk.IFC.Export.UI.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Export to IAI IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format Executed event by application IFC override (e78da2e3-7e89-464c-97cd-2212c8be3fa8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: IFC override, Class: BIM.IFC.Export.UI.IFCCommandOverrideApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.IFC.Export.UI.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Link Topograhy Commands (d02ca96c-dd06-4192-9871-49f0fe3cb1b4). } ' 0:< ::26:: Delta VM: Avail 134211537 MB, Used +3 -> 355 MB, Peak +3 -> 355 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 15361 MB, Used +4 -> 537 MB, Peak +4 -> 537 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 161 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Link Topograhy Commands, Class: SiteLinkerUI.SiteLinkerUIApp, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Link%20Topography&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.LinkTopography.Commands.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FILE_TOPOSURFACE_CONVERT_TO_LINK' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Link Topography Parser Application' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SiteLinker\Autodesk.LinkTopography.Parser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Link Topography Parser Application (26af0fb8-0ceb-46dc-a0b1-79e0208edcdc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FILE_TOPOSURFACE_CONVERT_TO_LINK' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Link Topography Parser Application' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SiteLinker\Autodesk.LinkTopography.Parser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Link Topography Parser Application (26af0fb8-0ceb-46dc-a0b1-79e0208edcdc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Link Topography Parser Application, Class: SiteLinker.SiteExportApp, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Link%20Topography&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.LinkTopography.Parser.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Internal Forces Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee); ServiceId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:11.074; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee ' 0:< ::27:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134211536 MB, Used +1 -> 356 MB, Peak +1 -> 357 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 15349 MB, Used +1 -> 538 MB, Peak +1 -> 539 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9836, Used 164, User: Used 161 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Member Forces, Class: MemberForcesUI.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.MemberForces.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Client assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:11.223; 0:< Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskSymbol" _ , "0.ExternalEvent" ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FamilyLoadingIntoDocument event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FamilyLoadedIntoDocument event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering TransferringProjectStandards event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering TransferredProjectStandards event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:11.241; 0:< Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskSymbol" _ , "1.OnIdleTask" ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'P&ID Modeler: RevitModelingHost.PipePropertyUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'P&ID Modeler: RevitModelingHost.AccessoryAndEquipmentPropertyUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_MODELER' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'P&ID Modeler' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\PnIDModeler\Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command P&ID Modeler CanExecute event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_MODELER' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'P&ID Modeler' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\PnIDModeler\Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command P&ID Modeler Executed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'P&ID Modeler' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\PnIDModeler\Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command P&ID Settings CanExecute event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_SETTINGS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'P&ID Modeler' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\PnIDModeler\Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command P&ID Settings Executed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: P&ID Modeler, Class: RevitModelingHost.RevitPnIDIteropRibbonPanel, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=P%26ID%20Modeler&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.PnIDModeler.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< ::27:: Delta VM: Avail -31 -> 134211506 MB, Used +4 -> 361 MB, Peak +5 -> 362 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 15337 MB, Used +7 -> 545 MB, Peak +7 -> 546 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9833, Used 167, User: Used 161 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6400, name: Split, text: Split, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdSplit, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: PanelParts } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6401, name: PRECAST_INTERNAL_UPDATE, text: PRECAST_INTERNAL_UPDATE, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdPrecastUpdate, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: PanelParts } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6402, name: Mounting 'Parts, text: Mounting 'Parts, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdAddMountingPartsToAssembly, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: PanelConnections } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6403, name: Reinforcement, text: Reinforcement, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdCreateRebar, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: panelReinforcement } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6404, name: Custom 'Fabric Sheet, text: Custom 'Fabric Sheet, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdConvertRebar, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: panelReinforcement } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6405, name: CFS Config, text: CFS Config, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdCFSConfig, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: panelReinforcement } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6406, name: Shop 'Drawings, text: Shop 'Drawings, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdShopDrawing, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: panelConstruction } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6407, name: CAM Export, text: CAM 'Export, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdCreateMachineData, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: panelConstruction } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6408, name: Configuration, text: Configuration, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.CmdConfig, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: PanelConfiguration } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6409, name: Disable 'Precast Updates, text: Disable, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.DisableUpdater, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%panelTurnOff%Precast Updates } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6410, name: Enable 'Precast Updates, text: Enable, class: Adsk.RPCA.Commands.EnableUpdater, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\Precast\Autodesk.Precast.Commands.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%panelTurnOff%Precast Updates } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Precast for Revit, Class: Adsk.RPCA.Core.PrecastStartup, Vendor : RPCA(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.Precast.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_NUMBERING_REINF_PARTITIONS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Reinforcement Numbering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ReinforcementNumbering\Autodesk.ReinforcementNumbering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Reinforcement Numbering (32b5860a-aec9-4df7-96b0-07168b27446e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_NUMBERING_REINF_PARTITIONS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Reinforcement Numbering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ReinforcementNumbering\Autodesk.ReinforcementNumbering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Reinforcement Numbering (32b5860a-aec9-4df7-96b0-07168b27446e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Reinforcement Numbering, Class: BIM.Numbering.UI.ReinforcementNumberingApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Reinforcement%20Numbering&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.ReinforcementNumbering.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Results Builder UI Application, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.ResultsBuilder.Provider.Application, Vendor : ADSK(ADSK, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.ResultsBuilder.DBApplication.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Results Explorer: Results Explorer loads updater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< ::27:: Delta VM: Avail -23 -> 134211483 MB, Used -8 -> 354 MB, Peak +4 -> 367 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 15332 MB, Used -7 -> 539 MB, Peak +6 -> 552 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9815, Used 185, User: Used 161 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Results Explorer, Class: ResultsExplorer.Addin.StartUpApp, Vendor : adsk(), Assembly: Autodesk.ResultsExplorer.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Cloud Rendering (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_IN_CLOUD' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Cloud Rendering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Cloud Rendering (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_IN_CLOUD' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Cloud Rendering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Cloud Rendering (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_GALLERY' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Cloud Rendering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Cloud Rendering (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_GALLERY' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Cloud Rendering' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Cloud Rendering (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Cloud Rendering, Class: Autodesk.RaaS.RevitAddin.EApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Cloud%20rendering&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(EntitlementExternalServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(c7cdeb6d-93b8-42b0-9fbd-b5f2baf15bb1); ServiceId(9111ab07-9bd9-4b68-a01f-c0a0dcae1564) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:12.038; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: c7cdeb6d-93b8-42b0-9fbd-b5f2baf15bb1 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 9111ab07-9bd9-4b68-a01f-c0a0dcae1564 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpening event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering LinkedResourceOpening event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering LinkedResourceOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering WorksharedOperationProgressChanged event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE_AS_CLOUD_MODEL' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Revit Application Home' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ModelBrowser\Autodesk.RevitApplicationHome.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE_AS_CLOUD_MODEL' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Revit Application Home' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ModelBrowser\Autodesk.RevitApplicationHome.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaved event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Revit Application Home, Class: ModelBrowser.ModelBrowserApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=revit%20home&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: Autodesk.RevitApplicationHome.Application.dll } ' 0:< Shared views dockable pane is registered successfully! ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_SHARED_VIEWS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Revit Shared Views' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SharedViews\Autodesk.Revit.SharedViews.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Revit Shared Views (99a96123-184e-48a7-89bf-0ef1418cc63c). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_SHARED_VIEWS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Revit Shared Views' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SharedViews\Autodesk.Revit.SharedViews.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Revit Shared Views (99a96123-184e-48a7-89bf-0ef1418cc63c). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Revit Shared Views (99a96123-184e-48a7-89bf-0ef1418cc63c). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Revit Shared Views (99a96123-184e-48a7-89bf-0ef1418cc63c). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Revit Shared Views, Class: SharedViews.Application, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=shared%20views&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: Autodesk.Revit.SharedViews.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_ROUTE_ANALYSIS_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Route Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RouteAnalysis\Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Route Analysis Settings CanExecute event by application Route Analysis (13641868-6e6e-4610-9258-061b3b6f0421). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_ROUTE_ANALYSIS_SETTINGS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Route Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RouteAnalysis\Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Route Analysis Settings Executed event by application Route Analysis (13641868-6e6e-4610-9258-061b3b6f0421). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_DEBUG_PATH_OF_TRAVEL_DISTANCE_MAP_MODE' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Route Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RouteAnalysis\Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Route Analysis (13641868-6e6e-4610-9258-061b3b6f0421). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_DEBUG_PATH_OF_TRAVEL_DISTANCE_MAP_MODE' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Route Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\RouteAnalysis\Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Route Analysis (13641868-6e6e-4610-9258-061b3b6f0421). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Route Analysis, Class: RouteAnalysisUI.RouteAnalysisUIApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Path%20of%20Travel&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.RouteAnalysis.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(SectionTypeParameterServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(1b91ce46-ddb4-44ec-a942-d45efadde353); ServiceId(c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:12.249; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 1b91ce46-ddb4-44ec-a942-d45efadde353 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Structural Section Properties, Class: SectionProperties.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.SectionProperties.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SPACE_NAMING_UTILITY' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Space Naming Utility Application' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SpaceNaming\Autodesk.SpaceNaming.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Space Naming Utility CanExecute event by application Space Naming Utility Application (02663093-563b-4e2f-b5be-5b75beb2e313). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SPACE_NAMING_UTILITY' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Space Naming Utility Application' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SpaceNaming\Autodesk.SpaceNaming.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Space Naming Utility Executed event by application Space Naming Utility Application (02663093-563b-4e2f-b5be-5b75beb2e313). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Space Naming Utility Application, Class: SpaceNaming.Command, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=Space%20Naming&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: Autodesk.SpaceNaming.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXT_ENTITY_RB_SAVE_AS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Steel Connections UI extension' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SteelConnections\Autodesk.SteelConnectionsUI.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Save 'Advance Steel Executed event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXT_ENTITY_RB_SAVE_AS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Steel Connections UI extension' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\SteelConnections\Autodesk.SteelConnectionsUI.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Save 'Advance Steel CanExecute event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard 'Copy to Clipboard (Ctrl+C) BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard 'Cut (Ctrl+X) BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Save selection to a new file. 'Save Selection to File BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Move copies of selected objects 'Copy BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Rotate selected object(s) 'Rotate BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Define a new center of rotation. BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Mirror selected object(s) 'Mirror BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Offset walls and lines. 'Offset BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Create a line 'Mirror BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Insert Clipboard contents 'Paste from Clipboard (Ctrl+V) BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Insert Clipboard contents in the active view in the same position as the original objects 'Paste Aligned BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Click on level you want to paste to 'Pick Level BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Select levels you want to paste to by name 'Select Levels by Name BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Insert Clipboard contents in the same place as the original objects 'Same Place BeforeExecuted event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(ModifyConnectionParametersServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d81402f0-e558-4434-89a8-30ec1f52a4d0); ServiceId(e9c0f948-320e-4e7f-a573-10755555305d) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:12.396; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: d81402f0-e558-4434-89a8-30ec1f52a4d0 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e9c0f948-320e-4e7f-a573-10755555305d ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(HoleDefinitionServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(9d39d4fe-6e5f-4088-8655-b349d00e864a); ServiceId(9d39d4fe-6e5f-4088-8655-b349d00e864a) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:12.403; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 9d39d4fe-6e5f-4088-8655-b349d00e864a Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 9d39d4fe-6e5f-4088-8655-b349d00e864a ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Steel Connections UI extension, Class: Autodesk.SteelConnectionsUI.SteelConnection, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=detailed%20steel%20modeling&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: Autodesk.SteelConnectionsUI.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application StructuralRibbon (844fae81-bbed-4b1e-aa6f-06ef261f6096). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: StructuralRibbon, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.StructuralRibbon.Application, Vendor : ADSK(ADSK, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.StructuralRibbon.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: AutoLoad, Class: AutoLoader.AutoLoader, Vendor : ADSK(), Assembly: AutoLoader.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(AutodeskDriveUI); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(314de911-0991-4787-a0fd-914be9138034); ServiceId(1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:12.540; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 314de911-0991-4787-a0fd-914be9138034 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9 ' 0:< ::32:: Delta VM: Avail +16 -> 134211499 MB, Used +7 -> 361 MB; RAM: Avail +3 -> 15335 MB, Used +8 -> 547 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9811, Used 189, User: Used 162 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: ConnectedDesktopUI, Class: ConnectedDesktopUI.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: ConnectedDesktopUI.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FAMILY_GET_CLOUD' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Application ContentDelivery' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ContentDelivery\ContentDelivery.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Open a website to download Autodesk sample content. CanExecute event by application Application ContentDelivery (87a72273-3ab1-404e-b6fd-ee0f60ba0e1b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FAMILY_GET_CLOUD' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Application ContentDelivery' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ContentDelivery\ContentDelivery.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Open a website to download Autodesk sample content. Executed event by application Application ContentDelivery (87a72273-3ab1-404e-b6fd-ee0f60ba0e1b). } ' 0:< ::32:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 134211492 MB, Used +1 -> 362 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 15325 MB, Used +3 -> 551 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9811, Used 189, User: Used 165 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Load a family from cloud into the project BeforeExecuted event by application Application ContentDelivery (87a72273-3ab1-404e-b6fd-ee0f60ba0e1b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FAMILY_LOAD_CLOUD' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Application ContentDelivery' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ContentDelivery\ContentDelivery.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Load a family from cloud into the project CanExecute event by application Application ContentDelivery (87a72273-3ab1-404e-b6fd-ee0f60ba0e1b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FAMILY_LOAD_CLOUD' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Application ContentDelivery' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ContentDelivery\ContentDelivery.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Load a family from cloud into the project Executed event by application Application ContentDelivery (87a72273-3ab1-404e-b6fd-ee0f60ba0e1b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Application ContentDelivery, Class: ContentDelivery.ContentDeliveryApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: ContentDelivery.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivating event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Dynamo For Revit' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\DynamoForRevit\Revit/DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo 'Dynamo CanExecute event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo 'Dynamo BeforeExecuted event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Dynamo For Revit' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\DynamoForRevit\Revit/DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo 'Dynamo Executed event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Dynamo For Revit: Sun and Shadow Settings Updater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Dynamo For Revit, Class: Dynamo.Applications.VersionLoader, Vendor : ADSK(Dynamo), Assembly: Revit/DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PLAYLIST_DYNAMO' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Application Dynamo Player' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\DynamoPlayer\Autodesk.DynamoPlayer.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo Playlist CanExecute event by application Application Dynamo Player (ce565619-a9c6-472d-8c66-34f71b8999cb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PLAYLIST_DYNAMO' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Application Dynamo Player' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\DynamoPlayer\Autodesk.DynamoPlayer.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo Playlist Executed event by application Application Dynamo Player (ce565619-a9c6-472d-8c66-34f71b8999cb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Application Dynamo Player (ce565619-a9c6-472d-8c66-34f71b8999cb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Application Dynamo Player (ce565619-a9c6-472d-8c66-34f71b8999cb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Application Dynamo Player, Class: DynamoPlayer.DynamoPlayerApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Autodesk.DynamoPlayer.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in EnergyAnalysis.dll assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_CEA_OPTIMIZE' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Energy Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\EnergyAnalysis\EnergyAnalysis.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Energy Analysis (f50a2212-f174-4890-84a9-064c3c835c4d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_CEA_OPTIMIZE' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Energy Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\EnergyAnalysis\EnergyAnalysis.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Energy Analysis (f50a2212-f174-4890-84a9-064c3c835c4d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_RUN_SYSTEMS_ANALYSIS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Energy Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\EnergyAnalysis\EnergyAnalysis.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Run systems analysis. Executed event by application Energy Analysis (f50a2212-f174-4890-84a9-064c3c835c4d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_RUN_SYSTEMS_ANALYSIS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Energy Analysis' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\EnergyAnalysis\EnergyAnalysis.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Run systems analysis. CanExecute event by application Energy Analysis (f50a2212-f174-4890-84a9-064c3c835c4d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Energy Analysis, Class: EnergyAnalysis.Application, Vendor : ADSK(), Assembly: EnergyAnalysis.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FabricationPartBrowserChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Fabrication Settings CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Fabrication Settings Executed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PART_SHOW_SERVICE_IN_PART_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Show Service in Part Browser 'Show Service in Part Browser 'Show Service in Part Browser CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FabPartBrowserApplication, Class: FabricationPartBrowser.FabPartBrowserApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: FabricationPartBrowser.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct not defined pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(607992d7-359d-4593-b497-8aa238e2c564); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.206; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 607992d7-359d-4593-b497-8aa238e2c564 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct specific coefficient pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(9641a039-441e-42e2-93a6-c0e2177cc23c); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.206; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 9641a039-441e-42e2-93a6-c0e2177cc23c Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct specific loss pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d3b5e81d-9b8c-40da-8efb-99dd37fda611); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.207; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: d3b5e81d-9b8c-40da-8efb-99dd37fda611 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct coefficient from table pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(25fa8de2-67c4-47d1-91f6-bd6f0803a5ed); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.207; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 25fa8de2-67c4-47d1-91f6-bd6f0803a5ed Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe not defined pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(62917391-e14d-4897-ad0c-05342d71e4f9); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.215; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 62917391-e14d-4897-ad0c-05342d71e4f9 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe specific coefficient pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(247265b6-7b71-4147-97c6-cc52b39c12aa); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.216; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 247265b6-7b71-4147-97c6-cc52b39c12aa Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe specific loss pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(5978b92a-3f0b-4691-bbc8-caf2fae20a71); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.216; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 5978b92a-3f0b-4691-bbc8-caf2fae20a71 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe K coefficient from table pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(cda19b6f-fbd5-4725-a0ce-f159bf5d02fe); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.217; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: cda19b6f-fbd5-4725-a0ce-f159bf5d02fe Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers, Class: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit Default UI Server.); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(3ffc688a-bb2e-4145-90ab-9443da02aef6); ServiceId(1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.249; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 3ffc688a-bb2e-4145-90ab-9443da02aef6 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: 1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: KeynoteUIServer, Class: KeynoteUIServer.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: KeynoteUIServer.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(PointCloudSnappingServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(85f4b666-8811-4e3d-9ed4-3d2ae4cd2e4c); ServiceId(aaa05780-790c-43dc-bc41-1c2150227f45) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:13.398; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 85f4b666-8811-4e3d-9ed4-3d2ae4cd2e4c Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: aaa05780-790c-43dc-bc41-1c2150227f45 ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'PointCloudSnappingServer: Snapping Pipe Updater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: PointCloudSnappingServer, Class: PointCloudSnappingServer.Application, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: PointCloudSnappingServer.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: PressureLossReport, Class: PressureLossReport.PressureLossReportApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: PressureLossReport.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6411, name: alignLeftButton, text: Align Left, class: AlignTag.AlignLeft, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6412, name: alignCenterButton, text: Align Center, class: AlignTag.AlignCenter, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6413, name: alignRightButton, text: Align Right, class: AlignTag.AlignRight, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6414, name: alignTopButton, text: Align Top, class: AlignTag.AlignTop, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: alignMiddleButton, text: Align Middle, class: AlignTag.AlignMiddle, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: alignBottomButton, text: Align Bottom, class: AlignTag.AlignBottom, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: distributeHorizontallyButton, text: Distribute 'Horizontally, class: AlignTag.DistributeHorizontally, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: distributeVerticallyButton, text: Distribute 'Vertically, class: AlignTag.DistributeVertically, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: ArrangeButton, text: Arrange 'Tags, class: AlignTag.Arrange, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: UntangleVerticallyButton, text: Untangle 'Vertically, class: AlignTag.UntangleVertically, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: UntangleHorizontallyButton, text: Untangle 'Horizontally, class: AlignTag.UntangleHorizontally, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIM 42 Align.bundle\Contents\Sources\AlignTag.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Align } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Application AlignTag, Class: AlignTag.App, Vendor : BM42(BIM 42, http://bim42.com), Assembly: AlignTag.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll assembly 'Addin's module ASObjectsMgd of version 1.0.7258.7583 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 1.0.7345.21938 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpening event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreating event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -37 -> 134211456 MB, Used +10 -> 373 MB, Peak +6 -> 374 MB; RAM: Avail -4 -> 15321 MB, Used +13 -> 564 MB, Peak +12 -> 565 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9808, Used 192, User: Used 166 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Synchronization assembly 'Addin's module ASObjectsMgd of version 1.0.7258.7583 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 1.0.7345.21938 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: Export, text: Export, class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.ExportCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Advance Steel Extension%Options } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: Import, text: Import, class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.ImportCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Advance Steel Extension%Options } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: Synchronization, text: Synchronization, class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Synchronization.SyncCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Synchronization.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Advance Steel Extension%Options } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: Settings, text: Settings, class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.SettingsCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Advance Steel Extension%Options } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: About, text: About, class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.AboutCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Advance Steel Extension%Options } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Advance Steel Extension for Revit, Class: Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.ASLinkApp, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=Advance%20Steel%20Extension%20for%20autodesk%20revit&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Advance Steel 2021 Extension for Autodesk Revit\Autodesk.AdvanceSteelLink.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExporting event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExported event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Common (bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: DrxUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Common, Class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxCommonApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\DrxCommon.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: Calculate Areas, text: Calculate Areas, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxAreaCalculationCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: Edit Room, text: Edit Room, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxRoomEditCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: Add/Edit Floor Area, text: Add/Edit Floor Area, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxFloorAreaAddCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: Add Room Group, text: Add Room Group, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxRoomGroupAddCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension%MNU_ROOM_GROUP_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: Edit Room Group, text: Edit Room Group, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxRoomGroupEditCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension%MNU_ROOM_GROUP_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: Calculation Settings, text: Calculation Settings, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxAreaCalculationOptionsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: Edit Room Assignment Type, text: Edit Room Assignment Type, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxRoomAssignmentsEditCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: Hide/Show Areabook IDs, text: Hide/Show Areabook IDs, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxAreaToggleIDsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: Set language, text: Set language, class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxChangeUILanguageCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Areabook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Area Calculation International, Class: Adsk.DrxApplication.DrxAreaCalculationApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Areabook\Program\AreaCalculation.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_BATCH_PRINT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Batch Print' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Batch Print for Revit 2021\Autodesk.BatchPrint.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Batch Print (9d508589-48b6-4ff6-a50d-d16d77c585a1). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 134211448 MB, Used +1 -> 375 MB, Peak +1 -> 375 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 15309 MB, Used +3 -> 568 MB, Peak +3 -> 568 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9803, Used 197, User: Used 166 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_BATCH_PRINT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Batch Print' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Batch Print for Revit 2021\Autodesk.BatchPrint.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Batch Print (9d508589-48b6-4ff6-a50d-d16d77c585a1). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Batch Print, Class: Revit.PrintHarness.PrintHarnessApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=batch%20print&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Batch Print for Revit 2021\Autodesk.BatchPrint.Application.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -31 -> 134211417 MB, Used +13 -> 389 MB, Peak +13 -> 389 MB; RAM: Avail -174 -> 15135 MB, Used +20 -> 588 MB, Peak +20 -> 588 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9803, Used 197, User: Used 167 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.dll assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivating event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail 134211417 MB, Used 389 MB; RAM: Avail -42 -> 15094 MB, Used 588 MB, Peak +0 -> 589 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9803, Used 197, User: Used 167 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: Issues, text: Manage Issues, class: Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.Commands.ToggleIssuePaneCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Issues%Issues } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6437, name: RIA: Overview, text: Overview, class: Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.Commands.ToggleOverviewPaneCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Issues%Issues } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6438, name: RIA: Reload, text: Reload, class: Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.Commands.ReloadCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Issues%Issues } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 134211404 MB, Used +2 -> 391 MB, Peak +3 -> 392 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 15090 MB, Used +3 -> 592 MB, Peak +3 -> 592 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9803, Used 197, User: Used 167 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Revit Issues Addin (2021), Class: Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.Application, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, Inc, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin\Autodesk.Bim360.Revit.Issues.Addin.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FailuresProcessing event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DialogBoxShowing event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExporting event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExported event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Common (f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: BrxUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Common, Class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxCommonApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BrxCommon.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -11 -> 134211394 MB, Used +1 -> 393 MB, Peak +1 -> 394 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 15091 MB, Used +2 -> 594 MB, Peak +3 -> 595 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9803, Used 197, User: Used 167 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6439, name: Calculate Building Part Quantities, text: Calculate Building Part Quantities, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxBuildingBookCalculationCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6440, name: Calculation Settings, text: Calculation Settings, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxBuildingBookCalcOptCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6441, name: Quantity IDs: Show All, text: Quantity IDs: Show All, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxShowQIDsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6442, name: Quantity IDs: Hide All, text: Quantity IDs: Hide All, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxHideQIDsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6443, name: Material IDs: Show All, text: Material IDs: Show All, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxShowMaterialIDsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6444, name: Material IDs: Hide All, text: Material IDs: Hide All, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxHideMaterialIDsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6445, name: Hide/Show IDs by Category, text: Hide/Show IDs by Category, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxHideShowByCategoryCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6446, name: Select Building Parts by ID, text: Select Building Parts by ID, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxBuildingBookSelectByQIDCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6447, name: Purge discontinued versions data, text: Purge discontinued versions data, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxPurgeBPQ2014Cmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension%MNU_BB_QID_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6448, name: Set language, text: Set language, class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxChangeUILanguageCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%Buildingbook Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: BuildingBook International, Class: Adsk.BrxApplication.BrxBuildingBookApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Buildingbook\Program\BuildingBook.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Collaborate.dll assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\Collaborate.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Collaborate Executed event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\Collaborate.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Collaborate CanExecute event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_360' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\Collaborate.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_360' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\Collaborate.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering WorksharedOperationProgressChanged event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetHubsRequested event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetProjectsRequested event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering GetFolderContentsRequested event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Collaborate, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.Collaborate.CollaborateApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\Collaborate.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in CollaborateBrowser.dll assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_BROWSER' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'CollaborateBrowser' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\CollaborateBrowser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command BIM 360 Projects Executed event by application CollaborateBrowser (901c7e33-857c-4c9c-846c-8f971c7cf72a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'CollaborateBrowser' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\CollaborateBrowser.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command BIM 360 Projects CanExecute event by application CollaborateBrowser (901c7e33-857c-4c9c-846c-8f971c7cf72a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: CollaborateBrowser, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.CollaborateBrowser.CollaborateBrowserApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\CollaborateBrowser.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in SkyscraperClientHost.dll assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:19.251; 0:< SkyscraperClientHost: Initialize Success: True ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: SkyscraperClientHostApplication, Class: SkyscraperClientHost.SkyscraperClientHostApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Cloud Models for Revit 2021\SkyscraperClientHost.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6449, name: eTransmit, text: Transmit a model, class: eTransmitForRevit.eTransmitCommand, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\eTransmit for Revit 2021\eTransmitForRevit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%eTransmit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6450, name: eTransmitHelp, text: Help, class: eTransmitForRevit.eTransmitHelp, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\eTransmit for Revit 2021\eTransmitForRevit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%eTransmit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6451, name: eTransmitAbout, text: About, class: eTransmitForRevit.eTransmitAbout, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\eTransmit for Revit 2021\eTransmitForRevit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%eTransmit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: eTransmit for Revit, Class: eTransmitForRevit.eTransmitApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\eTransmit for Revit 2021\eTransmitForRevit.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.Practices.Prism assembly 'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in EXR assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in ClimateData assembly 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in CCManager assembly 'Addin's module SSONET of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in RevitRaaS assembly 'Addin's module SSONET of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module SSONETUI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module RevitAPIUI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module RevitAPI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: GenerateResults, text: Lighting, class: LightThresholds.LightAnalysisCommand, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Lighting Analysis for Revit 2021\Autodesk.LightingAnalysis.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%Energy Analysis } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 134211387 MB, Used -5 -> 388 MB, Peak +7 -> 401 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 15102 MB, Used -4 -> 591 MB, Peak +8 -> 604 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9799, Used 201, User: Used 168 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Lighting Analysis, Class: LightThresholds.LightAnalysisCommand, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=daylighting%20analysis&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Lighting Analysis for Revit 2021\Autodesk.LightingAnalysis.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_IMPORT_FAB_MAJ' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_IMPORT_FAB_MAJ' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_FAB_MAJ' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_FAB_MAJ' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PRINT_REPORTS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PRINT_REPORTS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ITEM_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ITEM_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ANCILLARY_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ANCILLARY_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_LINEAR_NEST_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_LINEAR_NEST_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_WORKSHEET' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_WORKSHEET' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PRINTER_SETUP' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PRINTER_SETUP' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_USE_DEFAULT_PRINTER_SETUP' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_USE_DEFAULT_PRINTER_SETUP' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ABOUT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ABOUT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ITEM_EXPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ITEM_EXPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ANCILLARY_EXPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_ANCILLARY_EXPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_LINEAR_NEST_EXPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_LINEAR_NEST_EXPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_RUN_EXPORT_DATA' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_RUN_EXPORT_DATA' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'MEP Fabrication Part Commands' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application MEP Fabrication Part Commands (0af612bf-c3a3-4fc8-815d-024453221fc5). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: MEP Fabrication Part Commands, Class: MEPFabricationPartCommands.Application, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit MEP Fabrication Part Commands 2021\Autodesk.MEPFabricationPart.Commands.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: MultiplePathsCmd, text: Multiple 'Paths, class: PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.MultiplePathsCmd, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%People Flow Toolkit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: OneWayIndicatorCmd, text: One Way 'Indicator, class: PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.OneWayIndicatorCmd, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%People Flow Toolkit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: PeopleContentCmd, text: People 'Content, class: PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.PeopleContentCmd, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%People Flow Toolkit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: SpatialGridCmd, text: Spatial 'Grid, class: PeopleFlowToolkitUI.Commands.SpatialGridCmd, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%People Flow Toolkit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: PeopleFlowUI, Class: PeopleFlowToolkitUI.PeopleFlowToolkitUIApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: PeopleFlowToolkit\Autodesk.PeopleFlowToolkit.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_GENERATIVE_DESIGN_EXPLORE_OUTCOMES' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Generative Design' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\GenerativeDesign\Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_GENERATIVE_DESIGN_EXPLORE_OUTCOMES' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Generative Design' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\GenerativeDesign\Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_GENERATIVE_DESIGN_CREATE_STUDY' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Generative Design' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\GenerativeDesign\Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_GENERATIVE_DESIGN_CREATE_STUDY' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Generative Design' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\GenerativeDesign\Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Generative Design (eb957c40-804b-42a8-80be-c0261e560edb). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Generative Design, Class: Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.App, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=generative%20design&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation), Assembly: GenerativeDesign\Autodesk.Revit.GenerativeDesign.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: RevitDBLink, text: Revit DB Link, class: Revit.Addon.RevitDBLink.CS.Command, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit DB Link 2021\RevitDBLink.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%RevitDBLink } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: RevitDBLink, Class: Revit.Addon.RevitDBLink.CS.App, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, subscription.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit DB Link 2021\RevitDBLink.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Robot Structural Analysys Link Application, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.Revit2RobotConnector.Revit2RobotConnectorApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Extensions 2021\Modules\RSA\Revit2RobotConnector\Autodesk.RobotStructuralAnalysysLink.Application.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 134211376 MB, Used +4 -> 393 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 15110 MB, Used +7 -> 598 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9791, Used 209, User: Used 168 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DialogBoxShowing event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExporting event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FileExported event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Common (c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: RrxUpdater' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Common, Class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxCommonApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RrxCommon.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134211370 MB, Used +2 -> 396 MB; RAM: Avail +40 -> 15151 MB, Used +3 -> 601 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9791, Used 209, User: Used 168 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: Calculate Room Quantities, text: Calculate Room Quantities, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxCalculationStyleCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: Calculation Settings, text: Calculation Settings, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxCalculationOptionsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: Apply Surface Materials to Rooms, text: Apply Surface Materials to Rooms, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxApplyMaterialStyleCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK%RIBBON_RMQ_SurfMat_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: Edit Surface Materials, text: Edit Surface Materials, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxMaterialStyleCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK%RIBBON_RMQ_SurfMat_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: Hide/Show Quantity IDs, text: Hide/Show Quantity IDs, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxCalculationToggleQIDCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK%RIBBON_RMQ_ToggleSym_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: Hide/Show Finish IDs, text: Hide/Show Finish IDs, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxCalculationToggleFinishSymCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK%RIBBON_RMQ_ToggleSym_Lvl1 } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: Set language, text: Set language, class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxChangeUILanguageRBICmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Quantification%RIBBON_PANEL_ROOMBOOK } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail 134211370 MB, Used 396 MB; RAM: Avail +19 -> 15170 MB, Used +0 -> 602 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9791, Used 209, User: Used 168 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: RoomBook International, Class: Adsk.RrxApplication.RrxRoomBookInternationalApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Roombook Areabook Buildingbook for Revit 2021\Roombook\Program\RoomBookInternational.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: SolarAnalysis, text: Solar, class: InsolationAnalysis.ExtComCall, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Solar Analysis for Revit 2021\Autodesk.SolarAnalysis.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%Energy Analysis } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Solar Analysis: ' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Solar Analysis, Class: InsolationAnalysis.ExtComCall, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=solar%20analysis&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Solar Analysis for Revit 2021\Autodesk.SolarAnalysis.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Worksharing Monitor Application (04e9bc6c-9b81-4c82-a31a-7559fe7a1579). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Worksharing Monitor Application (04e9bc6c-9b81-4c82-a31a-7559fe7a1579). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaved event by application Worksharing Monitor Application (04e9bc6c-9b81-4c82-a31a-7559fe7a1579). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Worksharing Monitor Application (04e9bc6c-9b81-4c82-a31a-7559fe7a1579). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134211369 MB, Used +3 -> 400 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 15186 MB, Used +4 -> 607 MB, Peak +2 -> 607 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9778, Used 222, User: Used 177 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Worksharing Monitor Application, Class: WorkSharingLib.ExternalApplication, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=Worksharing%20monitor%20for%20autodesk%20revit&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Worksharing Monitor for Revit 2021\Autodesk.WorksharingMonitor.Application.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_WORKSHARING_MONITOR' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Worksharing Monitor Launch App' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Worksharing Monitor for Revit 2021\Autodesk.WorksharingMonitor.Utilities.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Architecture Executed event by application Worksharing Monitor Launch App (8ed11396-f33d-4378-9b75-fd1874064495). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_WORKSHARING_MONITOR' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Worksharing Monitor Launch App' dll 'D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Worksharing Monitor for Revit 2021\Autodesk.WorksharingMonitor.Utilities.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Architecture CanExecute event by application Worksharing Monitor Launch App (8ed11396-f33d-4378-9b75-fd1874064495). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Worksharing Monitor Launch App, Class: WorksharingCommand.WorksharingApp, Vendor : ADSK(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=Worksharing%20monitor%20for%20autodesk%20revit&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score), Assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Worksharing Monitor for Revit 2021\Autodesk.WorksharingMonitor.Utilities.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: Hangers, text: Hangers, class: BIME_Hangers.command_hangers, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIME_All_Hangers_2019.bundle\Contents\2019\BIME_All_Hangers.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM_SOFT%Hangers } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: Hanger_by_pick, text: Hanger_by_pick, class: BIME_Hangers.command_hangers_oneonly, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BIME_All_Hangers_2019.bundle\Contents\2019\BIME_All_Hangers.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM_SOFT%Hangers } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: hangers_start_tool, Class: BIME_Hangers.hangers_start_tool, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: BIME_All_Hangers.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin, Class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.BimTrackApp, Vendor : BIMO(), Assembly: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134211360 MB, Used +3 -> 404 MB, Peak +2 -> 404 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 15172 MB, Used +8 -> 615 MB, Peak +8 -> 615 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 177 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134211341 MB, Used +3 -> 407 MB, Peak +3 -> 407 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 15173 MB, Used +2 -> 617 MB, Peak +2 -> 617 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 177 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: EDConfigure, text: Create Configuration, class: ADSK.BIT.EquipmentData.Revit.CmdConfigure, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.EquipmentData.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Equipment Data } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: EDUpdate, text: Setup 'Families, class: ADSK.BIT.EquipmentData.Revit.CmdSetup, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.EquipmentData.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Equipment Data } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: SDConfigure, text: Setup, class: ADSK.BIT.SpatialData.Revit.CmdConfigure, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.SpatialData.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Spatial Data } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6471, name: SDSync, text: Synchronize, class: ADSK.BIT.SpatialData.Revit.CmdSync, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.SpatialData.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Spatial Data } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6472, name: Setup, text: Setup, class: ADSK.BIT.ClassificationManager.Revit.Commands.CmdSetup, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ClassificationManager.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Classification Manager } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6473, name: Assign, text: Assign, class: ADSK.BIT.ClassificationManager.Revit.Commands.CmdManager, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ClassificationManager.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Classification Manager } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6474, name: Setup, text: Setup, class: ADSK.BIT.ModelChecker.Revit.ExCommands.CmdConfigure, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ModelChecker.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Model Checker } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6475, name: Run, text: Run, class: ADSK.BIT.ModelChecker.Revit.ExCommands.CmdRunCheck, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ModelChecker.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Model Checker } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6476, name: ViewReport, text: View 'Report, class: ADSK.BIT.ModelChecker.Revit.ExCommands.CmdViewReport, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ModelChecker.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Model Checker } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6477, name: Configurator, text: Launch, class: ADSK.BIT.ModelChecker.Revit.ExCommands.CmdConfigurator, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.ModelChecker.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%Configurator } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6478, name: FamilySetup, text: Setup 'Families, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdFamilySetup, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6479, name: Setup, text: Setup 'Project, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdSetup, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6480, name: Contacts, text: Contacts, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdContacts, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6481, name: Import, text: Import, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdImportSettings, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6482, name: Export, text: Export, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdExportSettings, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6483, name: Zones, text: Zones, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdZones, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6484, name: Select, text: Select, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdSelect, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6485, name: Update, text: Update, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdUpdate, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6486, name: CreateSpreadsheet, text: Create 'Spreadsheet, class: ADSK.BIT.COBie.Revit.Shell.CmdExport, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.COBie.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%COBie Extension } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6487, name: Help, text: Help, class: ADSK.BIT.Common.App.CmdHelp, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.Common.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%BIT } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6488, name: About, text: About, class: ADSK.BIT.Common.App.CmdAbout, assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.Common.App.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Interoperability Tools%BIT } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: BIM Interoperability Tools, Class: ADSK.BIT.Common.App.BitApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, Inc., interoperability.autodesk.com/support.html), Assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\BIT.Common.App.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6489, name: cmdPBB, text: 'About, class: TagAlignmentTool.PBB, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Powered By Bird Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6490, name: cmdUPCHCK, text: Check 'For Updates, class: TagAlignmentTool.UPCHK, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Powered By Bird Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6491, name: cmdPCD, text: Want Your 'Own Add-in?, class: TagAlignmentTool.PCD, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Powered By Bird Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6492, name: cmdTAGALIGN, text: Align 'Tags Automatically, class: TagAlignmentTool.TagAlign, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Tag Alignment Tool v.3.1%Tag Alignment Tool } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6493, name: cmdTATMod, text: Annotation 'Dashboard, class: TagAlignmentTool.TATMod, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Tag Alignment Tool v.3.1%Tag Alignment Tool } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6494, name: cmdLMAN, text: License 'Manager, class: TagAlignmentTool.LMAN, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BirdToolsTagAlignmentTool.bundle\Contents\TagAlignmentTool.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Bird Tools%Tag Alignment Tool v.3.1%Tag Alignment Tool } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool (c0f16332-682e-4d2e-8134-eb93387cebea). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool (c0f16332-682e-4d2e-8134-eb93387cebea). } ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool: DynamicTags' registered for all documents. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool, Class: TagAlignmentTool.BirdTagAlignmentTool, Vendor : Bird Tools(Bird Tools, https://apps.autodesk.com/en/Publisher/PublisherHomepage?ID=9VRFRJVDDF6L), Assembly: .\TagAlignmentTool.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VIEWS_FOR_A360' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Views For A360' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\.\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Publish Settings Executed event by application Views For A360 (78bd1446-1817-4842-8075-591b0424acaa). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VIEWS_FOR_A360' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Views For A360' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\.\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Publish Settings CanExecute event by application Views For A360 (78bd1446-1817-4842-8075-591b0424acaa). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Views For A360, Class: Autodesk.Revit.Addin.ExportViewSelector.ExportViewSelectorApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: .\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6495, name: Import FormIt to RVT, text: Import FormIt 'to RVT, class: AXMImportorAddon.AXMImportorCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2021\Addon\AXMImportorAddon.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%FormIt Converter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6496, name: Convert RFA to FormIt, text: Convert RFA 'to FormIt, class: RFAToAXMAddon.RFAToAXMCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2021\Addon\RFAToAXMAddon.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%FormIt Converter%Convert Files } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6497, name: Reload Families, text: Reload Families, class: AXMImportorAddon.ReloadFamiliesCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2021\Addon\AXMImportorAddon.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%FormIt Converter%Convert Files } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -33 -> 134211309 MB, Used +20 -> 428 MB, Peak +22 -> 430 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 15152 MB, Used +20 -> 637 MB, Peak +20 -> 638 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FormIt Conversion, Class: FormItConverter.Ribbon, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2021\Addon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll } ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail -19 -> 134211290 MB, Used +4 -> 432 MB, Peak +8 -> 438 MB; RAM: Avail -8 -> 15145 MB, Used +2 -> 640 MB, Peak +2 -> 640 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_NAVISWORKS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'File exporter for Navisworks 2021' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\./revit_exporter2021.Addin.bundle/nwexportrevit2021/nwexportrevit_18.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application File exporter for Navisworks 2021 (280bb447-f630-48b0-99be-6a776ac7b5c8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_NAVISWORKS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'File exporter for Navisworks 2021' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\./revit_exporter2021.Addin.bundle/nwexportrevit2021/nwexportrevit_18.dll'. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application File exporter for Navisworks 2021 (280bb447-f630-48b0-99be-6a776ac7b5c8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Navisworks 2021); VendorId(Autodesk Navisworks); ServerId(68e1934c-ec3b-410c-8c82-434f0cf25446); ServiceId(a9bdf0fd-2632-429e-bc35-50ebc2b824d2) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:22.597; 0:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 68e1934c-ec3b-410c-8c82-434f0cf25446 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: a9bdf0fd-2632-429e-bc35-50ebc2b824d2 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: File exporter for Navisworks 2021, Class: NavisWorks18.LcRevitExportApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: ./revit_exporter2021.Addin.bundle/nwexportrevit2021/nwexportrevit_18.dll } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in pyRevitLoader.dll assembly 'Addin's module RevitAPI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module RevitAPIUI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 134211278 MB, Used +3 -> 436 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 15147 MB, Used +4 -> 644 MB, Peak +5 -> 646 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in pyRevitRunner assembly 'Addin's module RevitAPIUI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module RevitAPI of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -25 -> 134211254 MB, Used +10 -> 446 MB, Peak +11 -> 450 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 15141 MB, Used +22 -> 667 MB, Peak +25 -> 671 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack assembly 'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Windows.Forms of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Core of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell assembly 'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Windows.Forms of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module PresentationFramework of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module WindowsBase of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module PresentationCore of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Core of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module WindowsFormsIntegration of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in MadMilkman.Ini assembly 'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -13 -> 134211242 MB, Used 446 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 15148 MB, Used +2 -> 669 MB, Peak +1 -> 672 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in System.Reflection.Metadata assembly 'Addin's module System.Collections.Immutable of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134211239 MB, Used +0 -> 447 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 15137 MB, Used +1 -> 671 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis assembly 'Addin's module System.Collections.Immutable of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp assembly 'Addin's module System.Collections.Immutable of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in pyRevitLabs.Common assembly 'Addin's module System.Collections.Immutable of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -13 -> 134211227 MB, Used +2 -> 449 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 15139 MB, Used +3 -> 675 MB, Peak +2 -> 675 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9775, Used 225, User: Used 178 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic assembly 'Addin's module System.Collections.Immutable of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -32916 -> 134178311 MB, Used +112 -> 561 MB, Peak +135 -> 585 MB; RAM: Avail -54 -> 15085 MB, Used +132 -> 807 MB, Peak +154 -> 830 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9773, Used 227, User: Used 196 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6498, name: Search, text: Search, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-search, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6499, name: Reload, text: Reload, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-reload, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6500, name: Find All Loaded Assemblies, text: Find All Loaded Assemblies, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-findallloadedassemblies, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6501, name: List Elements, text: List Elements, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-listelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6502, name: Open Current Project Central Log, text: Open Current Project Central Log, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-opencurrentprojectcentrallog, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6503, name: Open Current Session Journal, text: Open Current Session Journal, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-opencurrentsessionjournal, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6504, name: Open Journals Folder, text: Open Journals Folder, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-tools-spy-openjournalsfolder, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit%Spy } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6505, name: About, text: About, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-about, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6506, name: Update, text: Update, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-update, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6507, name: Extensions, text: Extensions, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-extensions, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail 134178311 MB, Used +12 -> 574 MB; RAM: Avail -20 -> 15065 MB, Used +12 -> 820 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9773, Used 227, User: Used 196 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6508, name: Wiki, text: Wiki, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-prlinks-wiki, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6509, name: Blog, text: Blog, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-prlinks-blog, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6510, name: Repo, text: Repo, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-prlinks-repo, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6511, name: apidocs, text: apidocs, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-rpwlinks-apidocs, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6512, name: emojis, text: emojis, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-rpwlinks-emojis, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6513, name: rpw Docs, text: rpw Docs, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-rpwlinks-rpwdocs, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6514, name: Icons8, text: Icons8, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-links-icons8, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6515, name: RegEx Tool, text: RegEx Tool, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-links-regextool, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6516, name: Report Bugs, text: Report Bugs, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-links-reportbugs, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6517, name: Settings, text: Settings, class: pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-settings, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_01fe7b857d060f92_pyRevitCore.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%pyRevit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6518, name: Revu Popup, text: Revu Popup, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles1-revupopup, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6519, name: MinifyUI, text: MinifyUI, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles1-minifyui, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6520, name: Tab Coloring, text: Tab Coloring, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles1-tabcoloring, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivating event by application PyRevitLoader (b39107c3-a1d7-47f4-a5a1-532ddf6edb5d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application PyRevitLoader (b39107c3-a1d7-47f4-a5a1-532ddf6edb5d). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6521, name: Imported, text: Imported, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles2-imported, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6522, name: SectionBox, text: SectionBox, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles2-sectionbox, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6523, name: Sync Views, text: Sync Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-toggles-toggles2-syncviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Toggles } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6524, name: Pick, text: Pick, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-pick-pick, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Pick } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6525, name: Pick Detail Elements, text: Pick Detail Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-pick-pickdetailelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Pick } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6526, name: Pick Model Elements, text: Pick Model Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-pick-pickmodelelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Pick } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6527, name: Set Workset, text: Set Workset, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-setworkset, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6528, name: Isolate, text: Isolate, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-isolate, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6529, name: Discard Grouped Elements, text: Discard Grouped Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-filter-discardgroupedelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Filter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6530, name: Discard Pinned Elements, text: Discard Pinned Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-filter-discardpinnedelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Filter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6531, name: Keep Elements Hosted On Linked Model, text: Keep Elements Hosted On Linked Model, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-filter-keepelementshostedonlinkedmodel, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Filter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6532, name: Keep Mirrored, text: Keep Mirrored, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-filter-keepmirrored, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Filter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6533, name: Keep Painted Elements, text: Keep Painted Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-filter-keeppaintedelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Filter } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6534, name: Add Tagged Elements, text: Add Tagged Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-addtaggedelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6535, name: Find And Select Entities Without Dimensions, text: Find And Select Entities Without Dimensions, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-findandselectentitieswithoutdimensions, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6536, name: Find And Select Entities Without Tags, text: Find And Select Entities Without Tags, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-findandselectentitieswithouttags, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6537, name: Invert Selection, text: Invert Selection, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-invertselection, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6538, name: List Selection as Clickable Links, text: List Selection as Clickable Links, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-listselectionasclickablelinks, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6539, name: Select All Clouds Of Specific Revision, text: Select All Clouds Of Specific Revision, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectallcloudsofspecificrevision, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6540, name: Select All Clouds with Same Comment, text: Select All Clouds with Same Comment, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectallcloudswithsamecomment, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6541, name: Select All Elements Of Same Family, text: Select All Elements Of Same Family, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectallelementsofsamefamily, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6542, name: Select All Objects Of Selected Type, text: Select All Objects Of Selected Type, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectallobjectsofselectedtype, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6543, name: Select All Text Notes, text: Select All Text Notes, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectalltextnotes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6544, name: Select All Vertical Reveals, text: Select All Vertical Reveals, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectallverticalreveals, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6545, name: Select Element Types, text: Select Element Types, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectelementtypes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6546, name: Select Group Elements, text: Select Group Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectgroupelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6547, name: Select Similar Elements In Active View, text: Select Similar Elements In Active View, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectsimilarelementsinactiveview, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6548, name: Select SubWalls, text: Select SubWalls, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-select-select-selectsubwalls, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Select } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6549, name: MAppend, text: MAppend, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-mema-mappend, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6550, name: MWrite, text: MWrite, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-mema-mwrite, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6551, name: MRead, text: MRead, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-mema-mread, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6552, name: Copy State, text: Copy State, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-copystate, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6553, name: Paste State, text: Paste State, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-pastestate, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6554, name: Next, text: Next, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-next, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6555, name: Prev, text: Prev, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-prev, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6556, name: MDeduct, text: MDeduct, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-mdeduct, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6557, name: MClear, text: MClear, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-mclear, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6558, name: Save Memory as Selection, text: Save Memory as Selection, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-savememoryasselection, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6559, name: Purge Memory Files, text: Purge Memory Files, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-selection-memo-memory-purgememoryfiles, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Selection%Memory } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6560, name: Sum, text: Sum, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-sum, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6561, name: Calculate Average Area, text: Calculate Average Area, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-analyse-calculateaveragearea, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Analyse } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6562, name: Find Range Of Roof Slopes, text: Find Range Of Roof Slopes, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-analyse-findrangeofroofslopes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Analyse } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6563, name: Get In Place Family, text: Get In Place Family, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-analyse-getinplacefamily, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Analyse } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6564, name: Get Parking Count In Current View, text: Get Parking Count In Current View, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-analyse-getparkingcountincurrentview, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Analyse } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6565, name: Compare Detail Views, text: Compare Detail Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-comparedetailviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6566, name: Count Lines Of Selected Style, text: Count Lines Of Selected Style, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-countlinesofselectedstyle, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6567, name: Find All Attached Constraints, text: Find All Attached Constraints, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findallattachedconstraints, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6568, name: Find Identical Room Numbers, text: Find Identical Room Numbers, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findidenticalroomnumbers, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6569, name: Find Monitored Revit Link, text: Find Monitored Revit Link, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findmonitoredrevitlink, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6570, name: Find Referenced Elements, text: Find Referenced Elements, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findreferencedelements, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6571, name: Find Referenced Views By Selected Elevation Tag, text: Find Referenced Views By Selected Elevation Tag, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findreferencedviewsbyselectedelevationtag, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6572, name: Find Referencing Sheets, text: Find Referencing Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findreferencingsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6573, name: Find Sheets Showing Selected Element, text: Find Sheets Showing Selected Element, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findsheetsshowingselectedelement, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6574, name: Find Views Showing Selected Element, text: Find Views Showing Selected Element, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-findviewsshowingselectedelement, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6575, name: LinesPerViewCounter, text: LinesPerViewCounter, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-linesperviewcounter, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6576, name: ListElementsOfSelectedLevel, text: ListElementsOfSelectedLevel, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-listelementsofselectedlevel, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6577, name: ListFamilySizeCreator, text: ListFamilySizeCreator, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-analysis-tools-inspect-listfamilysizecreator, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Analysis%Inspect } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6578, name: Overkill, text: Overkill, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-overkill, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6579, name: Match, text: Match, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-match-match, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Match } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6580, name: Match Paint, text: Match Paint, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-match-matchpaint, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Match } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6581, name: Match Properties, text: Match Properties, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-match-matchproperties, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Match } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6582, name: Compare Properties, text: Compare Properties, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-match-compareproperties, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Match } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6583, name: Make Pattern, text: Make Pattern, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-patterns-makepattern, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Patterns } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6584, name: Batch Import PAT Files, text: Batch Import PAT Files, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit1-patterns-batchimportpatfiles, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Patterns } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6585, name: Flip, text: Flip, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit2-flip, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6586, name: ReNumber, text: ReNumber, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit2-renumber, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6587, name: ReValue, text: ReValue, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit2-revalue, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6588, name: Change Element Type Safely, text: Change Element Type Safely, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-changeelementtypesafely, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6589, name: Convert Line Styles, text: Convert Line Styles, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-convertlinestyles, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6590, name: Export View As Image, text: Export View As Image, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-exportviewasimage, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6591, name: Merge Parts, text: Merge Parts, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-mergeparts, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6592, name: Place Origin Marker, text: Place Origin Marker, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-placeoriginmarker, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6593, name: Shake Filled Regions, text: Shake Filled Regions, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-shakefilledregions, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6594, name: Tag All in All Views, text: Tag All in All Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-edit-tagallinallviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Edit } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6595, name: Override Dims, text: Override Dims, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-override-overridedims, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Override } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6596, name: Override Text, text: Override Text, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-override-overridetext, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Override } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6597, name: Override VG, text: Override VG, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-override-overridevg, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Override } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6598, name: ColorizeGroupTypes, text: ColorizeGroupTypes, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-colorizegrouptypes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6599, name: Explode And Remove Selected Groups, text: Explode And Remove Selected Groups, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-explodeandremoveselectedgroups, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6600, name: Find All Groups Containing Selected Group, text: Find All Groups Containing Selected Group, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-findallgroupscontainingselectedgroup, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6601, name: Find All Groups With Text Notes, text: Find All Groups With Text Notes, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-findallgroupswithtextnotes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6602, name: Select Topmost Groups, text: Select Topmost Groups, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-selecttopmostgroups, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6603, name: Show Nested Group Structure, text: Show Nested Group Structure, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-edit3-groups-shownestedgroupstructure, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%Groups } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6604, name: Orient Section Box To Face, text: Orient Section Box To Face, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-3d-orientsectionboxtoface, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%3D } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6605, name: Orient View To Face, text: Orient View To Face, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-modify-3d-orientviewtoface, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Modify%3D } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6606, name: Copy Views, text: Copy Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-copyviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6607, name: Move Views, text: Move Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-moveviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6608, name: Pin All Viewports, text: Pin All Viewports, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-pinallviewports, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6609, name: Reorder Selected Viewport, text: Reorder Selected Viewport, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-reorderselectedviewport, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6610, name: Copy Sheets to Open Documents, text: Copy Sheets to Open Documents, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-copysheetstoopendocuments, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6611, name: Batch Sheet Maker, text: Batch Sheet Maker, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-batchsheetmaker, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6612, name: Select Sheets, text: Select Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-selectsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6613, name: Rename Selected Sheets, text: Rename Selected Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-renameselectedsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6614, name: List TitleBlocks on Sheets, text: List TitleBlocks on Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-listtitleblocksonsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6615, name: Set Crop Region To Selected Shape, text: Set Crop Region To Selected Shape, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-setcropregiontoselectedshape, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6616, name: Open Selected Viewport, text: Open Selected Viewport, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-openselectedviewport, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6617, name: View Ordering Tool, text: View Ordering Tool, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-vieworderingtool, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6618, name: ReOrder Sheets, text: ReOrder Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-reordersheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6619, name: Rename PDF Sheets, text: Rename PDF Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-renamepdfsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6620, name: Decrement Selected Sheet Numbers, text: Decrement Selected Sheet Numbers, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-decrementselectedsheetnumbers, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6621, name: Increment Selected Sheet Numbers, text: Increment Selected Sheet Numbers, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-sheets-incrementselectedsheetnumbers, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Sheets } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6622, name: Create Revised Sheet Set, text: Create Revised Sheet Set, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-createrevisedsheetset, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6623, name: Copy Revisions to Open Documents, text: Copy Revisions to Open Documents, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-copyrevisionstoopendocuments, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6624, name: Generate Revision Report, text: Generate Revision Report, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-generaterevisionreport, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6625, name: Find All Revised Sheets, text: Find All Revised Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-findallrevisedsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6626, name: Find All Revision Clouds On Views, text: Find All Revision Clouds On Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-findallrevisioncloudsonviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6627, name: Find All Sheets Missing Revision Number, text: Find All Sheets Missing Revision Number, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-findallsheetsmissingrevisionnumber, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6628, name: Find All Sheets With Selected Revision, text: Find All Sheets With Selected Revision, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-findallsheetswithselectedrevision, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6629, name: Find Rev Clouded Legends, text: Find Rev Clouded Legends, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-findrevcloudedlegends, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6630, name: Set Revision On Sheets, text: Set Revision On Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-setrevisiononsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6631, name: Remove Revision From Sheets, text: Remove Revision From Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-removerevisionfromsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6632, name: Turn Off All Revisions, text: Turn Off All Revisions, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-revision-turnoffallrevisions, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Revision } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6633, name: Keynotes, text: Keynotes, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-keynotes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6634, name: Copy Legends to Other Documents, text: Copy Legends to Other Documents, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-legends-copylegendstootherdocuments, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Legends } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6635, name: Copy Legends as Drafting to Other Documents, text: Copy Legends as Drafting to Other Documents, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-legends-copylegendsasdraftingtootherdocuments, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Legends } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6636, name: Convert Drafting to Legend, text: Convert Drafting to Legend, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-legends-convertdraftingtolegend, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Legends } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6637, name: Convert Legend to Drafting, text: Convert Legend to Drafting, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-legends-convertlegendtodrafting, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Legends } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6638, name: Create Schedule from CSV, text: Create Schedule from CSV, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-schedules-createschedulefromcsv, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Schedules } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6639, name: Export Schedules To CSV, text: Export Schedules To CSV, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-schedules-exportschedulestocsv, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Schedules } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6640, name: Open Referencing Sheet, text: Open Referencing Sheet, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-openreferencingsheet, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6641, name: Find Referring Views, text: Find Referring Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-findreferringviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6642, name: Find Views By Filter, text: Find Views By Filter, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-findviewsbyfilter, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6643, name: Query View Sheet Placement, text: Query View Sheet Placement, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-queryviewsheetplacement, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6644, name: Query View Referencing, text: Query View Referencing, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-queryviewreferencing, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6645, name: Close Views, text: Close Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-closeviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6646, name: Rename Selected Views, text: Rename Selected Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-renameselectedviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6647, name: Duplicate Selected Views, text: Duplicate Selected Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-duplicateselectedviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6648, name: Create Print Set From Selected Views, text: Create Print Set From Selected Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-createprintsetfromselectedviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6649, name: Find Used View Templates Filters, text: Find Used View Templates Filters, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-findusedviewtemplatesfilters, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6650, name: Copy View Templates to Open Documents, text: Copy View Templates to Open Documents, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-copyviewtemplatestoopendocuments, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6651, name: Toggle All Grid Bubbles in Current View, text: Toggle All Grid Bubbles in Current View, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-toggleallgridbubblesincurrentview, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6652, name: Match Title on Sheet in Open Docs, text: Match Title on Sheet in Open Docs, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-matchtitleonsheetinopendocs, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6653, name: Create Parallel Section, text: Create Parallel Section, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-createparallelsection, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6654, name: Add Views to Sheets, text: Add Views to Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-addviewstosheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6655, name: Remove Empty Tags, text: Remove Empty Tags, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-removeemptytags, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6656, name: Remove Underlay From Selected Views, text: Remove Underlay From Selected Views, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-views-views-removeunderlayfromselectedviews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set%Views } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6657, name: Print Sheets, text: Print Sheets, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-drawingset-printsheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Drawing Set } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6658, name: Preflight Checks, text: Preflight Checks, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-preflightchecks, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6659, name: Get Central Path, text: Get Central Path, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-getcentralpath, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6660, name: Get RVT Info, text: Get RVT Info, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-getrvtinfo, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6661, name: Find Sheets With Elements Owned By Me, text: Find Sheets With Elements Owned By Me, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-team-findsheetswithelementsownedbyme, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Team } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6662, name: Select Last Edited By Me In Current View, text: Select Last Edited By Me In Current View, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-team-selectlasteditedbymeincurrentview, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Team } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6663, name: Select Owned By Me In Current View, text: Select Owned By Me In Current View, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-team-selectownedbymeincurrentview, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Team } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6664, name: Who Did That, text: Who Did That, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools2-team-whodidthat, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Team } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6665, name: Cycle Family Types, text: Cycle Family Types, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-cyclefamilytypes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6666, name: Family QuickCheck, text: Family QuickCheck, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-familyquickcheck, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6667, name: Convert ACIS Solid to FreeForm, text: Convert ACIS Solid to FreeForm, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-convertacissolidtofreeform, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6668, name: Convert Family To Face Host Based, text: Convert Family To Face Host Based, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-convertfamilytofacehostbased, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6669, name: Export Family Config, text: Export Family Config, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-exportfamilyconfig, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6670, name: Import Family Config, text: Import Family Config, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-importfamilyconfig, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6671, name: Wipe Family Parameters, text: Wipe Family Parameters, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-wipefamilyparameters, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6672, name: Load Families, text: Load Families, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-loadfamilies, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6673, name: Save Families, text: Save Families, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-savefamilies, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6674, name: Load More Types, text: Load More Types, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-family-loadmoretypes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Family } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6675, name: Create Workset For Linked Element, text: Create Workset For Linked Element, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-links-createworksetforlinkedelement, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Links } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6676, name: Export All Raster Images To Desktop, text: Export All Raster Images To Desktop, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-links-exportallrasterimagestodesktop, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Links } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6677, name: ListDWGs, text: ListDWGs, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-links-listdwgs, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Links } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6678, name: Reload Links, text: Reload Links, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-ptools-links-reloadlinks, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Links } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6679, name: Wipe Model Components, text: Wipe Model Components, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipemodelcomponents, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6680, name: Wipe Attached Constraints, text: Wipe Attached Constraints, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipeattachedconstraints, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6681, name: Wipe Site Designer Line Styles, text: Wipe Site Designer Line Styles, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipesitedesignerlinestyles, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6682, name: Wipe Unpurgable Viewport Types, text: Wipe Unpurgable Viewport Types, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipeunpurgableviewporttypes, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6683, name: Wipe Data Schema, text: Wipe Data Schema, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipedataschema, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6684, name: Wipe Collab Cache, text: Wipe Collab Cache, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipecollabcache, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6685, name: Wipe SubCategories, text: Wipe SubCategories, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipesubcategories, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6686, name: Wipe Unused Filters, text: Wipe Unused Filters, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipeunusedfilters, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6687, name: Wipe Unused View Templates, text: Wipe Unused View Templates, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipeunusedviewtemplates, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6688, name: Wipe Empty Elevation Tags, text: Wipe Empty Elevation Tags, class: pyrevittools-pyrevit-project-wipe-wipeemptyelevationtags, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\2021\pyRevit_2021_43b195b4708767c0_pyRevitTools.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%pyRevit%Project%Wipe } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: PyRevitLoader, Class: PyRevitLoader.PyRevitLoaderApplication, Vendor : eirannejad(), Assembly: D:\Users\AMcaleese\pyRevit-Master\bin\engines\IPY277\pyRevitLoader.dll } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 134178297 MB, Used +6 -> 581 MB, Peak +2 -> 587 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 15064 MB, Used +7 -> 828 MB, Peak +3 -> 833 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9773, Used 227, User: Used 197 ' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in RevitChronicle.dll assembly 'Addin's module RevitAPI of version 2015.0.0.0 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module RevitAPIUI of version 2015.0.0.0 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module AdWindows of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module UIFramework of version 2015.0.0.0 conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6689, name: LaunchScreencastButton, text: Launch Screencast, class: RevitScreencast.StartCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Chronicle\plugins\Revit\RevitChronicle.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Screencast } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaved event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134178295 MB, Used +4 -> 585 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 15044 MB, Used +5 -> 833 MB, Peak +3 -> 836 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9773, Used 227, User: Used 199 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: ScreencastApplication, Class: RevitScreencast.Application, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Chronicle\plugins\Revit\RevitChronicle.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6690, name: ParameterTransformer, text: Model Manager '/Parameter Transformer, class: Revit.DLR.Updateparametermodifier, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6691, name: 3DBox, text: Draw Box, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViewsDrawBox, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6692, name: 3DBoxShowCutPlane, text: Draw Box (Show Cut Plane), class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViewsDrawBoxShowCutPlane, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6693, name: SelectedItems, text: Selected Items, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViewsSelectedItems, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6694, name: 3DLevelOnly, text: Current Level, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViewsLevelOnly, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6695, name: 3DCeiling, text: Current Level Ceiling, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViewsCeiling, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6696, name: 3DLevels, text: All Levels, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreate3DViews, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%3DViews } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6697, name: ParamScheduler, text: Parameter 'Scheduler, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateFamilyParamScheduler, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6698, name: ProjectSetup, text: Project 'Setup, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCreateViewsAndSheets, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6699, name: ParameterLinker, text: Parameter 'Linker, class: Revit.DLR.UpdatePLinker, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6700, name: DraftXL, text: DraftXL, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateDXL, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6701, name: ElementTag, text: Element 'Tagger, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateElementTag, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6702, name: QuickClash, text: Display 'Clashes, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateQuickClash, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6703, name: OpenProjectFolder, text: Project 'Folder, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateOpenProjectFolder, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6704, name: ExportRVTNWC, text: RVT/NWC 'Export, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateModelExport, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6705, name: ZoomSelection, text: Zoom Selection, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateShowSelection, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6706, name: OpenCADLink, text: Open CAD Link, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateOpenSelectedLink, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RFCADLinkTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6707, name: ReloadCADLink, text: Reload CAD Link, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateReloadCADLink, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RFCADLinkTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6708, name: RayCastMoveDown, text: Ray Cast Move - Down, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateRaytraceMoveDown, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RayCastTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6709, name: RayCasteMoveUp, text: Ray Cast Move - Up, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateRaytraceMoveUp, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RayCastTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6710, name: RayCastMoveToClosestWall, text: Ray Cast Move - Closest Wall, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateRaytraceMoveToClosestWall, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RayCastTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6711, name: RayCastElementCopy, text: Ray Cast Element Copy: Windows, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateRaytraceCopyWindows, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Shared Tools%RayCastTools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6712, name: FreeMove, text: Free Move, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateFreeMove, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6713, name: SpaceAndZoneTools, text: Space And Zone Tools, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateSpaceAndZoneTools, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6714, name: RemoveFromCkt, text: Remove From Circuit, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateRemoveFromCkt, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools%Circuiting } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6715, name: MergeCkts, text: Merge/Move Circuits, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateMergeCkts, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools%Circuiting } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6716, name: CktNameAndRating, text: SPARE Rating/Rename, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateCktNameAndRating, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools%Circuiting } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6717, name: CreateHomeRuns, text: Create Home Runs, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateHomeRunCreator, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%MEP Tools%Circuiting } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6718, name: Updates, text: Get Updates, class: Revit.DLR.ManualUpdatesCheck, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Ribbon.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Settings } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6719, name: Customize, text: Customize 'Toolbar, class: Revit.DLR.ConfigureToolbar, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Settings } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6720, name: License, text: Licensing/ 'Activation, class: Revit.DLR.UpdateLicenseInfo, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Bridge.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Settings } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6721, name: Documentation, text: Documentation, class: Revit.DLR.DocumentationOpen, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Ribbon.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%RF Tools%Settings } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application 2021RFTools (d7e3da41-17d4-4012-c501-5f8e71d10016). } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -7 -> 134178288 MB, Used +0 -> 586 MB, Peak +0 -> 588 MB; RAM: Avail -31 -> 15013 MB, Used +1 -> 835 MB, Peak +0 -> 837 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9701, Used 299, User: Used 199 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: 2021RFTools, Class: Revit.DLR.DLRRibbon, Vendor : RUSH(RushForth Projects, David Rushforth), Assembly: .\RushforthToolsForRevit2021.bundle\Contents\2021Ribbon.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6722, name: cmdMDEM, text: MEP 'Demolish, class: MEPDemolish.MDEM, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%MEP Tools } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6723, name: cmdSHT, text: Automatic 'Legend Duplicator, class: MEPDemolish.SHT, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Project Setup } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6724, name: cmdGEX, text: SBM 'Propagate Extents, class: MEPDemolish.GEX, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Project Setup } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6725, name: cmdGEB, text: Grid 'Bubble Visibility, class: MEPDemolish.GEB, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Project Setup } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6726, name: cmdSPA, text: Shared 'Parameter Transfer, class: MEPDemolish.SPA, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Parameter Management } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6727, name: cmdSPT, text: Transfer 'Parameter Values, class: MEPDemolish.SPT, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Parameter Management } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6728, name: cmdPBB, text: 'About, class: MEPDemolish.PBB, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MEPDemolish.bundle\Contents\MEPDemolish.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%SBM Tools%Powered By Bird Tools } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail +28 -> 134178317 MB, Used -1 -> 585 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 15007 MB, Used 835 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9701, Used 299, User: Used 199 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: SBM Tools, Class: MEPDemolish.demolisher, Vendor : Bird Tools(Bird Tools, http://www.birdtools-developers.com), Assembly: .\MEPDemolish.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6729, name: Import_SCP_XML, text: Import Shared 'Coordinates 'from XML file, class: AcRVTDWGCoordsSyncRevitClient.CmdACCSXMLImport, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2021\Shared Reference Point\AcRVTDWGCoordsSyncRevitClient.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Shared Reference Point } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Autodesk Shared Reference Point, Class: AcRVTDWGCoordsSyncRevitClient.AppExternal, Vendor : Autodesk(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: .\Shared Reference Point\AcRVTDWGCoordsSyncRevitClient.dll } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6730, name: STL Exporter for Revit, text: STL Exporter for Revit, class: BIM.STLExport.STLExportCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ADSK-STLExporter2021.bundle\Contents\2021\STLExport.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%STL Exporter } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail 134178317 MB, Used +3 -> 589 MB, Peak +0 -> 589 MB; RAM: Avail -76 -> 14932 MB, Used +3 -> 838 MB, Peak +1 -> 838 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9701, Used 299, User: Used 199 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: STLExporter, Class: BIM.STLExport.STLExporterUI, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: .\STLExport.dll } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134178316 MB, Used +1 -> 591 MB, Peak +1 -> 591 MB; RAM: Avail +27 -> 14959 MB, Used +1 -> 840 MB, Peak +1 -> 840 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9701, Used 299, User: Used 199 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6731, name: MakeTransfer, text: Transfer Legend, class: TransferLegend.MakeTransfer, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\TransferLegend.bundle\Contents\TransferLegend.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%TwentyTwo%Free Add-Ins } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: TransferLegend, Class: TransferLegend.TransferLegendView, Vendor : TwentyTwo(twentytwo, https://twentytwo.space), Assembly: TransferLegend.dll } ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134178315 MB, Used +6 -> 597 MB, Peak +7 -> 598 MB; RAM: Avail -50 -> 14909 MB, Used +9 -> 850 MB, Peak +11 -> 852 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9701, Used 299, User: Used 199 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:36.906; 0:< ->processShellCommand 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:36.906; 0:< <-processShellCommand 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:36.909; ->DesktopMFCApp::doStartupWarnings 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:36.909; 0:< manage involvement ' 0:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -34 -> 134178281 MB, Used +3 -> 600 MB, Peak +4 -> 603 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 14899 MB, Used +6 -> 857 MB, Peak +7 -> 859 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.657; 0:< manage debug modes 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.657; 0:< MFCApp::testGraphicsHardware ' 0:< Revit Graphics Information ' 0:< Current Mode : DirectX Hardware ' 0:< Use Hardware: ON ' 0:< Use Overlays : ON ' 0:< START CanUseHardware(forced) ' 1:< 'OGS Device Memory Size: 20257 MB ' 1:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -284 -> 134177998 MB, Used +189 -> 790 MB, Peak +187 -> 791 MB; RAM: Avail +24 -> 14923 MB, Used +22 -> 880 MB, Peak +21 -> 881 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 ' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, Hardware ' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, WARP 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.787; 1:< START video card certification ' 1:< ::43:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134177982 MB, Used +3 -> 793 MB, Peak +19 -> 811 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 14906 MB, Used +3 -> 883 MB, Peak +20 -> 901 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 ' 1:< 'Current driver version: \WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvak.inf_amd64_8a6c33718d5a3b53\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Fil: 'Certified driver(s): ' 1:< VIDEO CARD ENVIRONMENT: CARD="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER" ManufacturerID="10DE" DeviceID="1E81" osID="80000" DRIVER="\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvak.inf_amd64_8a6c33718d5a3b53\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Fil:" DEVICE="DX11" FL_Caps="50" (Shader Model) 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.851; 1:< FINISH video card certification ' 0.194560 1:<<consumeAll 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.853; 0:< Process result of DebugModes-Changed Task Dialog 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.853; 0:< isMaterialLibraryAvailable 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.853; 0:< start up warnings for AddIns 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.854; <-DesktopMFCApp::doStartupWarnings 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.871; 0:< Jrn.Command "Internal" , "Display Profile Dialog , ID_DISPLAY_PROFILE_DIALOG" 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.893; 0:< Jrn.Command "Internal" , " , ID_REVIT_MODEL_BROWSER_OPEN" 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:37.900; 0:< Jrn.RibbonEvent "ModelBrowserIsOpenChangedEvent:Open" ' 0:< ::46:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134177981 MB, Used 793 MB; RAM: Avail -39 -> 14867 MB, Used +0 -> 884 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.028; <-desktop InitNativeInstance 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.028; ->desktop InitManagedInstance ' 1:< ::46:: Delta VM: Avail 134177981 MB, Used +0 -> 794 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 14853 MB, Used 884 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(ATFTranslationServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(252f643e-9927-4c06-a704-4a8b3587b979); ServiceId(bb3a96c9-e04a-40e4-8ecf-1464dd6aa7eb) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.050; 1:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 252f643e-9927-4c06-a704-4a8b3587b979 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: bb3a96c9-e04a-40e4-8ecf-1464dd6aa7eb ' 1:< ::47:: Delta VM: Avail 134177981 MB, Used 794 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 14864 MB, Used 884 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Site Linker); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(c6c190c2-458e-48ea-ba79-722f26a87b45); ServiceId(c9979a42-11ab-4c25-93e1-abfb50b7be60) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.064; 1:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: c6c190c2-458e-48ea-ba79-722f26a87b45 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: c9979a42-11ab-4c25-93e1-abfb50b7be60 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(SiteLinkerUI); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(3cda4d0d-f24f-45a1-965d-a4a26a9801a6); ServiceId(a177f6c8-d1f6-49e2-87bc-f70edbeac5a3) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.071; 1:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: 3cda4d0d-f24f-45a1-965d-a4a26a9801a6 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: a177f6c8-d1f6-49e2-87bc-f70edbeac5a3 ' 1:< ::49:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134177976 MB, Used +2 -> 797 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 14849 MB, Used +3 -> 888 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 'Add-in component: Rvt.ModelBrowser 'Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Revit Application Home 'Rvt.Attr.CommandVendorId: ADSK 'Rvt.Attr.ModelBrowserEnabled: True 'Rvt.Attr.RecentFileEnabled: True ' 1:< ::49:: Delta VM: Avail -38 -> 134177939 MB, Used +4 -> 801 MB; RAM: Avail +28 -> 14877 MB, Used +9 -> 897 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9676, Used 324, User: Used 198 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6732, name: ShowBimTrackWindow, text: Open 'BIM Track®, class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.ShowBimTrackDockPanel, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2021\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Track®%Log In } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6733, name: ShowPublish, text: Publish , class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.ShowPublish, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2021\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Track®%Model } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6734, name: ShowAutomatedTask, text: Automated 'tasks, class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.RibbonsButtonsAndCommands.ShowAutomatedTask, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2021\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Track®%Manage } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6735, name: ShowBimTrackSettings, text: Settings, class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.ShowBimTrackSettings, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2021\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Track®%General } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6736, name: ShowBimTrackHelp, text: Help , class: BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.ShowBimTrackHelp, assembly: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2021\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%BIM Track®%General } ' 1:< ::49:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134177938 MB, Used +2 -> 803 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 14854 MB, Used +6 -> 904 MB, Peak +4 -> 905 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 198 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application BIM One - BIM Track® Revit Plugin (139a3a9b-0b6a-4e63-9de8-ad2b2f5638a3). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(BIM Track IFC exporter); VendorId(BIM Track IFCX); ServerId(ac9c4f07-0bed-44cd-95ca-5a37bcd28d85); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.905; 1:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: ac9c4f07-0bed-44cd-95ca-5a37bcd28d85 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:38.908; <-desktop InitManagedInstance ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134177933 MB, Used +5 -> 809 MB; RAM: Avail -32 -> 14822 MB, Used +11 -> 915 MB, Peak +10 -> 915 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 196 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:39.286; 0:< appPriv idle ' 1:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail -13 -> 134177921 MB, Used +9 -> 818 MB, Peak +9 -> 820 MB; RAM: Avail -33 -> 14789 MB, Used +12 -> 928 MB, Peak +14 -> 929 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 199 ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application StructuralRibbon (844fae81-bbed-4b1e-aa6f-06ef261f6096). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application StructuralRibbon (844fae81-bbed-4b1e-aa6f-06ef261f6096). } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6737, name: RobotStructuralAnalysisLink, text: Robot Structural Analysis Link, class: REX.DRevit2Robot.DirectRevitAccess, assembly: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Extensions 2021\Modules\RSA\DRevit2Robot\DRevit2Robot.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Analyze%Structural Analysis%AnalysisAndCodeCheck } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6738, name: ResultsManager, text: Results 'Manager, class: ResultsExplorer.Addin.ResultsManagerCommand, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ResultsManagerExplorer\Autodesk.ResultsExplorer.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%Structural Analysis } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6739, name: ResultsExplorer, text: Results 'Explorer, class: ResultsExplorer.Addin.ResultsCmd, assembly: D:\Program Files\Autodesk 2021\Revit 2021\AddIns\ResultsManagerExplorer\Autodesk.ResultsExplorer.Application.dll, parentId: CustomCtrl_%Analyze%Structural Analysis } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DisplayingOptionsDialog event by application StructuralRibbon (844fae81-bbed-4b1e-aa6f-06ef261f6096). } ' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Autodesk.C4R.Client assembly 'Addin's module Autodesk.Bcg of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module System.Net.Http of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 'Addin's module Newtonsoft.Json of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application BIM Interoperability Tools (10047f62-fe83-4f35-93ca-43b48715daff). } ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134177912 MB, Used +1 -> 819 MB, Peak +1 -> 822 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 14771 MB, Used +9 -> 938 MB, Peak +10 -> 940 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 198 ' 0:< OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION: ' 0:< BuildNumber : 19044 ' 0:< BuildType : Multiprocessor Free ' 0:< Caption : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro ' 0:< CodeSet : 1252 ' 0:< CountryCode : 1 ' 0:< FreePhysicalMemory : 15142116 ' 0:< FreeSpaceInPagingFiles : 5505024 ' 0:< FreeVirtualMemory : 17421856 ' 0:< MaxProcessMemorySize : 137438953344 ' 0:< OSLanguage : 1033 ' 0:< OSType : 18 ' 0:< ServicePackMajorVersion : 0 ' 0:< ServicePackMinorVersion : 0 ' 0:< TotalVirtualMemorySize : 30588276 ' 0:< TotalVisibleMemorySize : 25083252 ' 0:< Version : 10.0.19044 ' 0:< Process affinity mask : FF ' 0:< System affinity mask : FF ' 0.179585 1:<<<[0000494c]DictionaryAnalysis::initialize ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail -37 -> 134177875 MB, Used +10 -> 830 MB, Peak +9 -> 832 MB; RAM: Avail -68 -> 14703 MB, Used +41 -> 979 MB, Peak +40 -> 980 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 201 ' 0:< PROCESSOR INFORMATION: ' 0:< AddressWidth : 64 ' 0:< Architecture : 9 ' 0:< Availability : 3 ' 0:< Caption : Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13 ' 0:< CurrentClockSpeed : 3600 ' 0:< DataWidth : 64 ' 0:< Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13 ' 0:< Family : 198 ' 0:< L2CacheSize : 2048 ' 0:< Level : 6 ' 0:< Manufacturer : GenuineIntel ' 0:< MaxClockSpeed : 3600 ' 0:< Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz ' 0:< ProcessorType : 3 ' 0:< Role : CPU ' 0:< SocketDesignation : U3E1 ' 0:< StatusInfo : 3 ' 0:< Version : ' 0:< VIDEO CONTROLLER INFORMATION: ' 0:< AdapterCompatibility : NVIDIA ' 0:< AdapterDACType : Integrated RAMDAC ' 0:< AdapterRAM : -1048576 ' 0:< Caption : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER ' 0:< CurrentBitsPerPixel : 32 ' 0:< CurrentHorizontalResolution : 1920 ' 0:< CurrentNumberOfColors : 4294967296 ' 0:< CurrentRefreshRate : 60 ' 0:< CurrentVerticalResolution : 1080 ' 0:< Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER ' 0:< DriverDate : 20210716000000.000000-000 ' 0:< DriverVersion : ' 0:< MaxRefreshRate : 75 ' 0:< MinRefreshRate : 60 ' 0:< Monochrome : 0 ' 0:< Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER ' 0:< VideoArchitecture : 5 ' 0:< VideoMemoryType : 2 ' 0:< VideoModeDescription : 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors ' 0:< VideoProcessor : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail +17 -> 134177893 MB, Used +20 -> 851 MB, Peak +20 -> 852 MB; RAM: Avail -75 -> 14628 MB, Used +26 -> 1006 MB, Peak +26 -> 1006 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9671, Used 329, User: Used 205 ' 0:< PRINTER INFORMATION: ' 0:< Caption : OneNote for Windows 10 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : OneNote for Windows 10 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft Software Printer Driver ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 300 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : OneNote for Windows 10 ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : Microsoft.Office.OneNote_16001.14326.20838.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe_microsoft.onenoteim_S-1-5-21-854245398-515967899-682003330-6141 ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 300 ' 0:< PRINTER INFORMATION: ' 0:< Caption : PDF-XChange Standard ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : PDF-XChange Standard ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : PDF-XChange Standard Driver ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 300 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : PDF-XChange Standard ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : PXC ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 300 ' 0:< Caption : PDF-XChange Lite ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : PDF-XChange Lite ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : PDF-XChange Lite Driver ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 300 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : PDF-XChange Lite ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : PXCL ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 300 ' 0:< Caption : OneNote (Desktop) ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : OneNote (Desktop) ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : OneNote (Desktop) ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : nul: ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : Microsoft XPS Document Writer ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : Microsoft XPS Document Writer ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : Microsoft XPS Document Writer ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : PORTPROMPT: ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : Microsoft Print to PDF ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : Microsoft Print to PDF ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft Print To PDF ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : Microsoft Print to PDF ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : PORTPROMPT: ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : Fax ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : Fax ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft Shared Fax Driver ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 200 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : Fax ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : SHRFAX: ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 200 ' 0:< Caption : CutePDF Writer ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : CutePDF Writer ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : CutePDF Writer v4.0 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : -1 ' 0:< Name : CutePDF Writer ' 0:< Network : 0 ' 0:< PortName : CPW4: ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : 0 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\Xerox VersaLink C405 PCL6 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\Xerox VersaLink C405 PCL6 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Xerox VersaLink C405 PCL6 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\Xerox VersaLink C405 PCL6 ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : XeroxV5Print ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\AltaLink CAD ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\AltaLink CAD ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Xerox AltaLink C8045 PS ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\AltaLink CAD ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\B&W Xerox AltaLink ' 0:< Default : -1 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\B&W Xerox AltaLink ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\B&W Xerox AltaLink ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : XeroxV5Print ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\Canon iPF765 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\Canon iPF765 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Canon iPF765 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : -1 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\Canon iPF765 ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : Canon iPF765 Print Processor ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\Canon PlotWave 5000 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\Canon PlotWave 5000 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Canon PlotWave 5000 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\Canon PlotWave 5000 ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\AutoDesk Xerox C8045 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\AutoDesk Xerox C8045 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Xerox Global Print Driver PCL6 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\AutoDesk Xerox C8045 ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : XeroxV5Print ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Caption : \\sbmdc\Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< Default : 0 ' 0:< DeviceID : \\sbmdc\Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< Direct : 0 ' 0:< DriverName : Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0 ' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0 ' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600 ' 0:< Local : 0 ' 0:< Name : \\sbmdc\Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< Network : -1 ' 0:< PortName : ' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW ' 0:< PrintProcessor : XeroxV5Print ' 0:< RawOnly : 0 ' 0:< Shared : -1 ' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1 ' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600 ' 0:< PRINTER CONFIGURATION INFORMATION: ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : OneNote for Windows 10 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 300 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 300 ' 0:< YResolution : 300 ' 0:< PRINTER CONFIGURATION INFORMATION: ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : PDF-XChange Standard ' 0:< DriverVersion : 128 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 300 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : PDF-XChange Lite ' 0:< DriverVersion : 128 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 300 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : OneNote (Desktop) ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : Microsoft XPS Document Writer ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : Microsoft Print to PDF ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 1 ' 0:< Description : Fax ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1024 ' 0:< Duplex : 0 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 200 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 200 ' 0:< YResolution : 200 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : CutePDF Writer ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\Xerox VersaLink C405 PCL6 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Duplex : -1 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\AltaLink CAD ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Duplex : -1 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\B&W Xerox AltaLink ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Duplex : -1 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\Canon iPF765 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1077 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< Color : 1 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\Canon PlotWave 5000 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1024 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 11176 ' 0:< PaperSize : UNKNOWN ' 0:< PaperWidth : 8636 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< Color : 1 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\AutoDesk Xerox C8045 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Duplex : -1 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< Color : 2 ' 0:< Copies : 1 ' 0:< Description : \\sbmdc\Xerox AltaLink C8045 PCL6 ' 0:< DriverVersion : 1539 ' 0:< Duplex : -1 ' 0:< Orientation : 1 ' 0:< PaperLength : 2794 ' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in ' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159 ' 0:< PrintQuality : 600 ' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025 ' 0:< XResolution : 600 ' 0:< YResolution : 600 ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail +9 -> 134177902 MB, Used -1 -> 850 MB; RAM: Avail +20 -> 14649 MB, Used 1006 MB, Peak +0 -> 1007 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9672, Used 328, User: Used 189 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:48.624; 0:< Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Create a new project , ID_FILE_NEW_CHOOSE_TEMPLATE" 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:48.633; 0:< ADialog::doModal start ' 0:< ::51:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134177903 MB, Used +1 -> 852 MB, Peak +1 -> 853 MB; RAM: Avail +38 -> 14688 MB, Used +2 -> 1008 MB, Peak +1 -> 1008 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9662, Used 338, User: Used 202 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:49.961; 0:< Jrn.PushButton "Modal , New Project , Dialog_Revit_NewProject" _ , "OK, IDOK" 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:49.974; 0:< ADialog::doModal stop ' 0:< Create project with template C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Templates\English-Imperial\Construction-Default.rte ' 0:< ::52:: Delta VM: Avail +8 -> 134177911 MB, Used 852 MB, Peak +1 -> 855 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 14703 MB, Used -9 -> 1000 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9663, Used 337, User: Used 194 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.036; 0:< Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _ , "[Project1]" 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.038; File: Open ' 2:< Connecting session [$37ce7472] to Worksharing Log [C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2021\Journals\journal.0144.txt] ' 2:< Additional IP address/name found for host 2055DT: ' 0.165339 2:< 134177901 MB, Used +6 -> 858 MB, Peak +6 -> 861 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 14704 MB, Used +10 -> 1010 MB, Peak +3 -> 1012 MB ' 5:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9658, Used 342, User: Used 194 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.322; 5:< ' [Jrn.BasicFileInfo] Rvt.Attr.Worksharing: Not enabled Rvt.Attr.Username: Rvt.Attr.CentralModelPath: Rvt.Attr.RevitBuildVersion: Autodesk Revit 2021 (Build: 20220517_1515(x64)) Rvt.Attr.LastSavePath: R:\APP\RVT\0110_114127_ECS-B4586A96_liuhui_rte_28_y1\pkg\results\20200109_2302_50\Regression\_I\51bdbd5b\CTR.jrn\O\R_O\0713b10d888f4bbd8a2c571e8d8c164e.rte Rvt.Attr.LTProject: notLTProject Rvt.Attr.LocaleWhenSaved: ENU Rvt.Attr.FileExt: rte 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.329; [ISL] On open, Adler Checksum: 0x15d0ba16 [C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Templates\English-Imperial\Construction-Default.rte] ' 5:< [ISL] Read last modification time: 17-Jan-2020 15:39:22 (UTC: 17-Jan-2020 20:39:22) 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.378; 6:< ' [Jrn.ESSchemaOpenRoster] 0Rvt.Attr.StoredSchemas: 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.378; 6:< ' [Jrn.ForgeSchemaOpenRoster] 977 ' 0.136041 6:<< 134177793 MB, Used +42 -> 901 MB, Peak +39 -> 901 MB; RAM: Avail -43 -> 14662 MB, Used +35 -> 1045 MB, Peak +34 -> 1047 MB ' 7:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9657, Used 343, User: Used 217 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.659; Loaded elemStream#60: uncompSize=24888773, compSize=4466117, count=34535 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:50.659; LoadLatestEpoch::loadLatestEpoch 0x00000000000=thelper.currentPos() 0x000004425c5=thelper.targetPos() ' 0.167938 7:<< 134177769 MB, Used +1 -> 903 MB, Peak +1 -> 903 MB; RAM: Avail -8 -> 14654 MB, Used +11 -> 1057 MB, Peak +10 -> 1057 MB ' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9658, Used 342, User: Used 225 ' 0.677396 4:< 134177775 MB, Used +1 -> 904 MB, Peak +2 -> 905 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 14644 MB, Used 1057 MB ' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9658, Used 342, User: Used 225 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.039; 3:< ' [Jrn.ExternalResourceLoad] Rvt.Attr.ExternalResourceType: b6305212-4915-4526-b659-be2d6f97174f Rvt.Attr.ExternalResourceServer: bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382 0 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.054; 3:< The current load request is an automated one. ' 0.150717 3:<< readFile ' 3:< ::58:: Delta VM: Avail 134177775 MB, Used -5 -> 900 MB, Peak +0 -> 906 MB; RAM: Avail +16 -> 14660 MB, Used -2 -> 1056 MB, Peak +3 -> 1061 MB ' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9658, Used 342, User: Used 225 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.261; 3:< ' [Jrn.ExternalResourceLoad] Rvt.Attr.ExternalResourceType: cf823dbb-21d2-42e0-a39c-1cb523a8cec2 Rvt.Attr.ExternalResourceServer: bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382 0 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.261; 3:< The current load request is an automated one. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.326; ->ForgeConnectionTracker::engageBranch (this=000002422B8BB800) 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.327; <-ForgeConnectionTracker::engageBranch (this=000002422B8BB800) ' 2:< Document save history --> : ' 2:< Revit 2021 - Preview Pre-Release 2021 (2021.000) : 20200107_1515(x64) ' 2:< Document save history <-- ' 0.416496 2:<<[Cloud]postLoadDocument/ALL_GAPS 0.265779/TurnOff_GAPs 19%/Threshold_GAPs 71% ' 1.331682 1:< 134177765 MB, Used +12 -> 912 MB, Peak +8 -> 914 MB; RAM: Avail -4 -> 14657 MB, Used +18 -> 1075 MB, Peak +14 -> 1076 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9638, Used 362, User: Used 254 ' 1:< Protein Path Resolver has changed, to: ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\PhysicalMaterial.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< Protein Path Resolver has changed, to: ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\PhysicalMaterial.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\PhysicalMaterial.fbm ' 1:< Protein Path Resolver has changed, to: ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\PhysicalMaterial.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\assetlibrary_base.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\PhysicalMaterial.fbm ' 1:< PathResolver path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2021\AECMaterials.fbm 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.587; 1:< Protein : Reopen RPC library. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.591; 1:< Protein : Populating RPC Library. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.626; 1:< Protein : Update RPC Settings is OK. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.627; 1:< Protein : Protein Asset Library is ready. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.627; 1:< Protein : RPC Library for writing is ready. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:51.627; 1:< Protein : RPC API is ready. ' 1:< ::59:: Delta VM: Avail +7 -> 134177772 MB, Used 912 MB; RAM: Avail -22 -> 14635 MB, Used +1 -> 1076 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9638, Used 362, User: Used 254 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.507; 1:< Protein : RPC UpdateACM is OK. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.507; 1:< Protein : RPC API SI is ready. ' 1:< Protein : Adding 113 RPCs into Revit ! 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.520; 1:< Protein : Register the Protein RenderingAsset Manager 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.545; 1:< ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ProjectCount: 1 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.546; 1:< ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ViewCount: 1 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.550; 1:< Jrn.Directive "GlobalToProj" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 0.01041666666667 _ , 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, -0.00000000000000 _ , -0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.551; 1:< Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 1.00000000000000 _ , 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.551; 1:< Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 0, 0 ' 1:< Before : Create Display Manager ' 1:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134177771 MB, Used +0 -> 913 MB; RAM: Avail +35 -> 14670 MB, Used +0 -> 1077 MB, Peak +1 -> 1077 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9443, Used 557, User: Used 300 ' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 1:< RAM Statistics: 14670 / 24495 1077=InUse 1077=Peak ' 1:< VM Statistics: 134177771 / 134217727 913=InUse 914=Peak ' 1:< Revit Graphics Information ' 1:< Current Mode : DirectX Hardware ' 1:< Use Hardware: ON ' 1:< Use Overlays : ON ' 1:< After : Create Display Manager ' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 1:< RAM Statistics: 14670 / 24495 1077=InUse 1077=Peak ' 1:< VM Statistics: 134177771 / 134217727 913=InUse 914=Peak ' [Jrn.Activate] Rvt.Attr.DocumentExpression: "[Project1]" Rvt.Attr.ViewTitleExpression: Floor Plan: Level 1 ' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 134177758 MB, Used +9 -> 922 MB, Peak +9 -> 923 MB; RAM: Avail -50 -> 14620 MB, Used +11 -> 1088 MB, Peak +12 -> 1089 MB ' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9277, Used 723, User: Used 329 ' 2:< API_ERROR { System.ArgumentNullException exception(Value cannot be null. 'Parameter name: key) was thrown from a handler of Autodesk.Revit.Proxy.UI.Events.ViewActivatingEventArgsProxy event. The API event handler was registered by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). Changes made by this handler are going to be discarded. } ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:54.934; 1:< ' [Jrn.ViewOpen] Rvt.Attr.ActiveViewType: VT_Project Rvt.Attr.DetailLevel: Undefined 1 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0 , 0.000000 ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134177753 MB, Used +3 -> 926 MB, Peak +3 -> 927 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 14601 MB, Used +5 -> 1093 MB, Peak +5 -> 1094 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9267, Used 733, User: Used 342 ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134177752 MB, Used +6 -> 933 MB, Peak +6 -> 933 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 14590 MB, Used +6 -> 1100 MB, Peak +6 -> 1101 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9246, Used 754, User: Used 361 ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. ' 4:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail +13 -> 134177766 MB, Used +1 -> 934 MB, Peak +0 -> 934 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 14579 MB, Used -3 -> 1098 MB, Peak +2 -> 1104 MB ' 4:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9098, Used 902, User: Used 425 ' 4.089815!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP [Cloud]openOntoDesktop 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:55.507; DBG_INFO: Detected unfrozen change of selection.: line 603 of D:\Ship\2021_px64\Source\Revit\RevitUI\ModScope\ModScope.cpp. ' 0.114768 5:<<> ' 'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON 'Command: 'Category: 0 'Bar list: ' 'Provider list: ' 'Product: Unknown ' ' 'Edit mode context, but no edit mode set. '<> ' 2:< Third Party Updater 'Results Builder Application: Results Builder Dynamic Updater' registered for all documents. ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaving event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavingAs event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaving event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavingAs event by application Results Explorer (47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068). } ' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -83 -> 134177683 MB, Used +23 -> 957 MB, Peak +36 -> 970 MB; RAM: Avail -136 -> 14443 MB, Used +27 -> 1126 MB, Peak +35 -> 1140 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9063, Used 937, User: Used 446 ' 1:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.511; 1:< ' [Jrn.ViewOpen] Rvt.Attr.ActiveViewType: VT_Plan Rvt.Attr.Discipline: Architectural Rvt.Attr.DetailLevel: Coarse 1 , 0.000000 , 5.125000 , 2 , 0.158683 ' 5.130283 1:<<[Cloud]openOntoDesktop/ALL_GAPS 5.015060/TurnOff_GAPs 15% ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'Project1'. ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'Project1'. ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'Project1'. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.515; 0:< ' [Jrn.Content.Created] ' 1:< ::64:: Delta VM: Avail 134177683 MB, Used 957 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 14428 MB, Used +0 -> 1127 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9063, Used 937, User: Used 446 ' 1:< Third Party Updater 'Precast for Revit: Precast Updater' registered for document 'Project1'. ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.614; 0:< Jrn.Size 0 , 1902 , 802 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.614; 0:< Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 1902, 802 ' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail 134177683 MB, Used +0 -> 958 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 14417 MB, Used 1127 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9064, Used 936, User: Used 447 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.622; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ScreenResolution" _ , 400, 1080 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.624; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 441.10884221110638 _ , 441.10884221110638, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110638, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110638 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.625; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 441.10884221110638 _ , 441.10884221110638, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110638, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110638 _ , 768.34746657263020, -430.27616609994965, 0.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.657; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 441.10884221110666 _ , 441.10884221110666, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110666, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110666 _ , 768.34746657263020, -430.27616609994965, 0.00000000000000 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.658; 0:< Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _ , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _ , 441.10884221110666 _ , 441.10884221110666, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110666, 0.00000000000000 _ , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 441.10884221110666 _ , 768.34746657262951, -430.27616609994931, 0.00000000000000 ' 0:< GContext::getDefaultDpi(): s_defaultDpi = 96 ' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail -72 -> 134177612 MB, Used +58 -> 1016 MB, Peak +47 -> 1018 MB; RAM: Avail -61 -> 14356 MB, Used +22 -> 1150 MB, Peak +11 -> 1151 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9051, Used 949, User: Used 450 ' 0.312875 1:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.978; 0:< idle0_doc 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:12:56.979; 0:< Jrn.Directive "AllowPressAndDrag" _ , 1 ' 0:< <> ' 'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON 'Command: ID_BUTTON_SELECT 'Category: 0 'Bar list: ' Dialog_Revit_DynamicLabelDBar ' Dialog_Essentials_FilterSelectionNew 'Provider list: ' 'Product: Revit ' ' '*********************************************************** '*********************************************************** '<> 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:12:57.139; 0:< ERROR: RIA: Failed to load model props. ' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail +29 -> 134177641 MB, Used +5 -> 1022 MB, Peak +4 -> 1023 MB; RAM: Avail -32 -> 14325 MB, Used +9 -> 1159 MB, Peak +8 -> 1159 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9042, Used 958, User: Used 465 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:13:34.996; 0:< Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 1826 , 0 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:13:34.996; 0:< Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Display program information, version number and copyright , ID_APP_ABOUT" ' 0:< ::67:: Delta VM: Avail -23 -> 134177618 MB, Used 1022 MB; RAM: Avail +5 -> 14330 MB, Used 1159 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9039, Used 961, User: Used 465 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:13:35.019; 0:< ADialog::doModal start 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:13:47.672; 0:< Jrn.PushButton "Modal , About Autodesk Revit 2021.1.7 , Dialog_Revit_Aboutbox" _ , "IDCANCEL" 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:13:47.688; 0:< ADialog::doModal stop ' 0:< ::68:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134177630 MB, Used +1 -> 1024 MB, Peak +8 -> 1031 MB; RAM: Avail +26 -> 14356 MB, Used +2 -> 1161 MB, Peak +9 -> 1168 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9022, Used 978, User: Used 465 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:35.460; 0:< Jrn.MouseMove 1 , 1037 , 304 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:35.460; 0:< Jrn.LButtonUp 0 , 1037 , 304 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1): 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:37.054; 0:< Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 1129 , 6 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:37.054; 0:< Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Manage" ' 0:< ::72:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134177629 MB, Used +4 -> 1028 MB; RAM: Avail -53 -> 14304 MB, Used +4 -> 1166 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9024, Used 976, User: Used 462 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:39.353; 0:< Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 1447 , 4 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:39.353; 0:< Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Launch Dynamo , ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO" ' 0:< ::74:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134177625 MB, Used 1028 MB, Peak +3 -> 1035 MB; RAM: Avail +581 -> 14886 MB, Used -24 -> 1143 MB, Peak +5 -> 1173 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9016, Used 984, User: Used 463 'H 06-Jun-2022 10:14:42.975; 0:< Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData" _ , 0 ' 0:< ::74:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134177624 MB, Used +1 -> 1030 MB, Peak +1 -> 1036 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 14852 MB, Used +4 -> 1148 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9020, Used 980, User: Used 463 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.396; 0:< Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 80 , 102 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.396; 0:< Jrn.Command "Internal" , "Quit the application; prompts to save projects , ID_APP_EXIT" ' 0:< Time consumed by SaveLayout(): 143 ' 0:< UI Layout Analytics Data - Total open views: 1, Floating views: 0 ' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 1:< RAM Statistics: 14846 / 24495 1148=InUse 1173=Peak ' 1:< VM Statistics: 134177623 / 134217727 1029=InUse 1036=Peak ' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 1:< RAM Statistics: 14847 / 24495 1148=InUse 1173=Peak ' 1:< VM Statistics: 134177623 / 134217727 1029=InUse 1036=Peak ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 ' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-0, y-0 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.562; 0:< ' 1:< CoordinationModelDB: CoordinationModel FileCache: cache location: C:\Users\AMcaleese\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2021\AddinsData\CoordinationModel\FileCache\o5nlqrey ' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(BIM 360); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.597; 1:< ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96 ' 1:< API_ERROR { System.ArgumentNullException exception(Value cannot be null. 'Parameter name: key) was thrown from a handler of Autodesk.Revit.Proxy.DB.Events.DocumentClosingEventArgsProxy event. The API event handler was registered by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). Changes made by this handler are going to be discarded. } ' 0:< PropertiesPalette Action:Activate 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.651; 0:< ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ProjectCount: 0 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.651; 0:< ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ViewCount: 0 ' 0:< Properties Palette Deactivate ' 0:< CrsTimer event occurred for 0 times in DesktopMFCView [Floor Plan: Level 1] ' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 0:< RAM Statistics: 14846 / 24495 1143=InUse 1173=Peak ' 0:< VM Statistics: 134177628 / 134217727 1024=InUse 1036=Peak ;oCD; 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.726; 0:< Jrn.Command "Internal" , " , ID_REVIT_MODEL_BROWSER_OPEN" ' 0:< Only floating document is support! 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.732; 0:< Jrn.RibbonEvent "ModelBrowserIsOpenChangedEvent:Open" 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.743; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: e42ff806-491d-4b17-9afb-ea051d5ebb76 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 5ecff1f8-9cfd-473f-9751-ec71ee6884f7 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: ObjectNumberingUpdater ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.745; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: e42ff806-491d-4b17-9afb-ea051d5ebb76 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: d75b13fd-b170-4465-8cb0-4dd8936da84f Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: ObjectNumberingUpdater ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.745; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: e42ff806-491d-4b17-9afb-ea051d5ebb76 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 31a7e869-73ee-4a52-889d-a21ce59caa0a Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: ObjectNumberingUpdater ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< Before : Destroy Display Manager ' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 0:< RAM Statistics: 14847 / 24495 1143=InUse 1173=Peak ' 0:< VM Statistics: 134177620 / 134217727 1024=InUse 1036=Peak ' 0:< After : Destroy Display Manager ' 0:< ::85:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134177619 MB, Used -6 -> 1024 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 14836 MB, Used -6 -> 1143 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9065, Used 935, User: Used 391 ' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 0:< RAM Statistics: 14836 / 24495 1143=InUse 1173=Peak ' 0:< VM Statistics: 134177619 / 134217727 1024=InUse 1036=Peak ' 0:< ::85:: Delta VM: Avail +12 -> 134177631 MB, Used -5 -> 1020 MB; RAM: Avail +4 -> 14840 MB, Used -4 -> 1139 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9065, Used 935, User: Used 391 ' 0:< compact data space: 69158 blocks, occupying total of 23469608 bytes ' 0:< freed 69158 blocks ' 0:< Time consumed by OutputLayout(): 0 ' 0:< Hosted window destroyed when docking to other window. ' 0:< ::85:: Delta VM: Avail +39 -> 134177670 MB, Used -7 -> 1014 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 14843 MB, Used -7 -> 1133 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9130, Used 870, User: Used 314 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.891; 0:< ' [Jrn.ProfileDialogAnalytics] ProfileDiscipline: 256ProfileRevitVersion: Rvt.Attr.ProfileRevitVersion: 2021 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.894; 0:< ' [Jrn.ProfileDialogAnalytics] ProfileJobRole: Rvt.Attr.ProfileJobRole: STR_Profile_BIMManager 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.895; 0:< ' [Jrn.ViewSwitching] ViewSwitchingOrder: 0 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:47.897; 0:< ' [Jrn.DockablePaneVisibility] Project Browser , System Browser , Properties Palette , MEP Fabrication Parts , PnID Modeler: 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ' 1:< ::89:: Delta VM: Avail +62 -> 134177733 MB, Used -50 -> 964 MB; RAM: Avail +286 -> 15129 MB, Used -57 -> 1076 MB ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9206, Used 794, User: Used 285 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.392; Revit worker 1 closed cleanly 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.393; [00001c50]QueueMinder stopped 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.394; 1:< logging finished virtualization services 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.394; 1:< logging finished worker services 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.394; 1:< logging erased queues ' 3.427545 1:<<desktop ExitManagedInstance 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.402; <-desktop ExitManagedInstance 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.403; ->desktop ExitNativeInstance ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_EXPORT_IFC' Executed implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Export to IAI IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format Executed event by application IFC override (e78da2e3-7e89-464c-97cd-2212c8be3fa8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering FamilyLoadingIntoDocument event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering FamilyLoadedIntoDocument event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ApplicationClosing event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering TransferringProjectStandards event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering TransferredProjectStandards event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.449; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34 Rvt.Attr.AddInName: P&ID Modeler Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 7ab43114-025e-4e16-ad71-d91907d42f29 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: RevitModelingHost.PipePropertyUpdater Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=P%26ID%20Modeler&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'P&ID Modeler: RevitModelingHost.PipePropertyUpdater' has been unregistered. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.450; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34 Rvt.Attr.AddInName: P&ID Modeler Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: e8163832-9fbb-4b19-9a6a-389b9f061c59 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: RevitModelingHost.AccessoryAndEquipmentPropertyUpdater Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?p=REVITPRODUCTS&search=P%26ID%20Modeler&sort=score&page=1&knowledgeSource=Product%20Documentation Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'P&ID Modeler: RevitModelingHost.AccessoryAndEquipmentPropertyUpdater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_MODELER' CanExecute implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command P&ID Modeler CanExecute event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_MODELER' Executed implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command P&ID Modeler Executed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command P&ID Settings CanExecute event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_PNID_SETTINGS' Executed implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command P&ID Settings Executed event by application P&ID Modeler (502fe383-2648-4e98-adf8-5e604719dc34). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaving event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavingAs event by application Precast for Revit (3c028904-e50f-4a8c-b059-098de92d92fc). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.465; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 47598b3b-b687-41fb-bfd3-d94ba5aec068 Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Results Explorer Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: 2021.0.0.2 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 372f2ca2-62e6-4815-b096-1b30abb14be5 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: Results Explorer loads updater Rvt.Attr.VendorId: adsk ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Results Explorer: Results Explorer loads updater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpening event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering LinkedResourceOpening event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering LinkedResourceOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering WorksharedOperationProgressChanged event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaved event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Revit Application Home (2b185467-5243-4cea-9148-aab8e5523c2a). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_SPACE_NAMING_UTILITY' CanExecute implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Space Naming Utility CanExecute event by application Space Naming Utility Application (02663093-563b-4e2f-b5be-5b75beb2e313). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_SPACE_NAMING_UTILITY' Executed implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Space Naming Utility Executed event by application Space Naming Utility Application (02663093-563b-4e2f-b5be-5b75beb2e313). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application Steel Connections UI extension (16cd5a3b-d481-4fb3-8355-848d4933e850). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FabricationPartBrowserChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Fabrication Settings CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' Executed implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Fabrication Settings Executed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PART_SHOW_SERVICE_IN_PART_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation. } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Show Service in Part Browser 'Show Service in Part Browser 'Show Service in Part Browser CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpening event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaving event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavingAs event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreating event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Advance Steel Extension for Revit (1072b32c-b0e4-4cb6-bc7e-1ab9e9fbc388). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.507; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: bd04f12f-22a2-4716-9376-98661c711d20 Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Common Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 1668c408-8a49-4159-9842-832dafb2abc8 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: DrxUpdater Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: Autodesk, www.autodesk.com Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: DrxUpdater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivating event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Revit Issues Addin (2021) (4be7a226-0581-4943-b37b-04812f1c0959). } ' 0:< ::93:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134177745 MB, Used 964 MB; RAM: Avail +6 -> 15136 MB, Used -5 -> 1072 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9206, Used 794, User: Used 284 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.527; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: f775dd58-4fb2-4e52-abad-d98dadb216ff Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Common Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 1668c408-8a49-4159-9842-832dafb2abc8 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: BrxUpdater Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: Autodesk, www.autodesk.com Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: BrxUpdater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpening event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreating event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application Lighting Analysis (d0b823ab-67fd-4d93-a3d8-072ccbe24ed0). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.532; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: c2e7a952-bf3e-441c-a91a-ef2aa03838fd Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Common Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 1668c408-8a49-4159-9842-832dafb2abc8 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: RrxUpdater Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: Autodesk, www.autodesk.com Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Common: RrxUpdater' has been unregistered. 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.533; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9 Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Solar Analysis Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: c9d4a62e-87a9-4d88-b84f-6e1e5d066e69 Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search?search=solar%20analysis&p=REVITPRODUCTS&sort=score Rvt.Attr.VendorId: ADSK ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Solar Analysis: ' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosed event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application Solar Analysis (ea329a18-282d-40d6-94c9-d9bef1eccdd9). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:51.540; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: c0f16332-682e-4d2e-8134-eb93387cebea Rvt.Attr.AddInName: Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool Rvt.Attr.AddInVersion: 1.0.7648.31659 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 44d4a01f-a8e4-4aca-b10a-9e7e52ddee21 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: DynamicTags Rvt.Attr.VendorDescription: Bird Tools, https://apps.autodesk.com/en/Publisher/PublisherHomepage?ID=9VRFRJVDDF6L Rvt.Attr.VendorId: Bird Tools ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Bird Tools' Tag Alignment tool: DynamicTags' has been unregistered. ' 0:< ::97:: Delta VM: Avail +5 -> 134177751 MB, Used -11 -> 954 MB; RAM: Avail +9 -> 15146 MB, Used -9 -> 1063 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9209, Used 791, User: Used 279 ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaved event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application ScreencastApplication (7ed56a60-0c2d-4b3a-b319-6588ee3eb202). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Coordination Model (c9463641-1c02-431c-9502-4ad0c91de1ce). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.081; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8 Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: ceba05a7-9806-4b08-b646-f91abece48d3 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: Results Builder Dynamic Updater ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Results Builder Application: Results Builder Dynamic Updater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosed event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application Results Builder Application (4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8). } 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.084; 0:< ' [Jrn.AddInDynamicUpdate] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f Rvt.Attr.NumberOfExecutions: 0 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterId: 6eaeafde-25a1-4167-8fc0-855c51264da1 Rvt.Attr.UpdaterName: Steel Fabrication Updater ' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Steel Connections DB extension: Steel Fabrication Updater' has been unregistered. ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreating event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpening event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaving event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavingAs event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaved event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering LinkedResourceOpened event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering LinkedResourceOpening event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Steel Connections DB extension (9f2e732a-289e-4185-b701-15d33c31653f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering GetHubsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering GetProjectsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering GetFolderContentsRequested event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). } ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:51c0be9b-07a8-443a-be8c-21db815b17e7 ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:649e613c-2d39-4a7b-9720-662750f5243e ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:9e4e2572-dca3-4f2e-9ea6-77c59d4eae55 ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:c94154ad-4bbe-4682-a816-73cc79e2a9d0 ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:84739e25-1013-4cbf-aa48-60c99ebf0415 ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:d7256fab-f630-4a32-aef3-eb59a0ee63d9 ' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:5a37bca6-58d6-44b0-bf9a-5da8ee33a464 ' 0:< Forcibly removing all update triggers for all Updaters 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.099; 0:< ' [Jrn.ExternalServerExecution] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: e42ff806-491d-4b17-9afb-ea051d5ebb76 Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerExecutionCount: 2 Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerId: bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382 Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerName: Revit Default DB Server 'E 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.099; 0:< ' [Jrn.ExternalServerExecution] Rvt.Attr.AddInId: 4c61df08-b0c3-4c59-aee1-f67bd03df6f8 Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerExecutionCount: 3 Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerId: 6661389c-2324-4298-a8e6-f84c57648d1c Rvt.Attr.ExternalServerName: ResultsChangedServer ' 0:< Unregistering all external services. ' 0:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail +274 -> 134178025 MB, Used -192 -> 762 MB; RAM: Avail +311 -> 15458 MB, Used -21 -> 1043 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9211, Used 789, User: Used 244 ' 0:< CefSharp has been shutdown successfully! 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.487; 0:< License shutdown starting 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.537; 0:< License cleanup complete: 20 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.537; Journal Exit 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.537; 0:< Log Summary ' 0:< .ContentDocs ' 0:< ...Loaded = 88 ' 0:< ...LoadedLazy = 88 ' 0:< .Count ' 0:< ...CachingEngaged = 1 ' 0:< ...DBG_SOMETHING = 2 ' 0:< ...IdleTimeTaskAdds = 2 ' 0:< ...MimicCancelButton = 1 ' 0:< ...MoribundChecks = 2 ' 0:< ...PayloadsLoaded = 89 ' 0:< ...PipelineControllerParallel = 99 ' 0:< ...PipelineReadElementsNoSegmentIndex = 2 ' 0:< ...PipelineReadNonElements = 10 ' 0:< ...PipelineReadSegments = 383 ' 0:< ...ThreadedExpansions = 2522 ' 0:< .GC ' 0:< ...Hospiced = 6855 ' 0:< .HotDocuments ' 0:< ...HighWater = 1 ' 0:< .PendingMessages ' 0:< ...Unhandled = 1205 ' 0:< .SampleRate ' 0:< ...Nominal = 16 ' 0:< ...TooLow = 2 ' 0:< .UIThreads ' 0:< ...Created = 1 ' 0:< ...HighWater = 1 ' 0:< .WorkerRequestsHandled ' 0:< ...Immediate = 3 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:52.537; BC: 0,0,0 ' 0:< Total session time spent reclaiming memory: 0.000000 seconds. Averaged 0.000000 seconds/call for 0 calls. ' 0:< BackgroundLoader exec= 1 (parallel= 1) ' 0:< ConsumeMultiSegmentFile exec= 377 (parallel= 377) self= 0.350550 sec (avg= 0.001) ' 0:< ConsumeVisitBucket exec= 10 (parallel= 10) self= 0.016861 sec (avg= 0.002) ' 0:< FormOrAbandon exec= 3 (parallel= 0) self= 6.742689 sec (avg= 2.248) rollup= 6.876594 (avg= 2.292) ' 0:< GIncrementalDrawTaskCanvas exec= 1 (parallel= 1) ' 0:< InstrumentationTask exec= 1 (parallel= 1) ' 0:< InvalidateArchive exec= 2 (parallel= 0) ' 0:< PipeliningTask exec= 89 (parallel= 0) ' 0:< ProduceArchive exec= 466 (parallel= 0) self= 0.013151 sec (avg= 0.000) ' 0:< ProduceVisitBucket exec= 20 (parallel= 20) self= 0.000172 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.000171 (avg= 0.000) ' 0:< QueueMinder exec= 1 (parallel= 1) ' 0:< ReadFileAndPerformOperation exec= 27 (parallel= 0) ' 0:< RunPipelineContext exec= 10 (parallel= 8) self= 0.000116 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.017161 (avg= 0.002) ' 0:< SegmentHasher exec= 282 (parallel= 282) ' 0:< TaskFileExists exec= 591 (parallel= 584) ' 0:< TaskWaitCursor exec= 1 (parallel= 1) ' 0:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail +76 -> 134178102 MB, Used -22 -> 741 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 15470 MB, Used -22 -> 1021 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9214, Used 786, User: Used 217 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:53.098; 0:< Protein : catch exception when to close library file. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:53.098; 0:< Protein : ProteinSdkManager has been destroyed successfully. 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:53.114; 0:< Protein : AFbxSdkManager has been destroyed successfully ' 0:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail +27 -> 134178129 MB, Used -3 -> 738 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 15481 MB, Used -11 -> 1011 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9214, Used 786, User: Used 217 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:53.114; <-desktop ExitNativeInstance 'C 06-Jun-2022 10:14:53.114; finished recording journal file