{ "license": "BSD 3-Clause", "file_hash": null, "name": "Rhythm", "version": "2023.9.1", "description": "Rhythm is a set of nodes to help your Revit project maintain a good rhythm with Dynamo. Rhythm is fully open-source and authored by John Pierson (@johntpierson) of Design Tech Unraveled (designtechunraveled.com). \n\nSupported Revit versions are 2021-2024, with supported Dynamo versions being 2.6.x - 2.18.x", "group": "Breaking CAD", "keywords": [ "documentation", "dimension", "curtainwall", "open", "document", "copy", "unopened", "background", "sketch" ], "dependencies": [], "host_dependencies": [], "contents": "", "engine_version": "", "engine": "dynamo", "engine_metadata": "", "site_url": "https://designtechunraveled.com/", "repository_url": "https://github.com/johnpierson/RhythmForDynamo", "contains_binaries": true, "node_libraries": [ "RhythmCore, Version=2022.11.1.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "RhythmRevit, Version=2023.9.1.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" ] }