Xdata retrieval problem (extended data)

hi. i’m sure someone can point me in the right direction.
i would like to retrieve some xdata but that xdata seems to be nested.Or the dynamo nodes cant read it correctly. Do i need to replace characters at early stage?

Not sure what you try to commit?
I have in my test five circles with Xdata added but then I will replace “Hello20” with “Bye_55”.
Is that similar what you want to do?

You mean the 1000 list? That means that it contains strings.


yes. well after “ASCII string: Bh=…” theres more text… but why am i not retreiving that?

as you can see in my first screenshot

It would help if you posted a DWG with one object in it with extension data that you can’t collect, as several have indicated data is reading for them which leads me to think it may be an issue with a special character decoding incorrectly, or other bit of info.


I think the Dictionary node doesn’t show the full value, but stops at the = character. I’ve seen this before, I think with the : character as well. The value behind might be still correct though.

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sample.dwg (498.7 KB)
here is a cad file

thanks for taking time

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