Hello All,
I would like to understand what are the common 3rd party file formats which people used in their day to day life.
What are those files which you have to import to revit in your day to day workflows.
What are those geometries you look for when you import any 3rd party files.
If you are using multiple file formats then please respond with order of your use. First one should be the highly used and last one least used file format.
FBX and DWG for me. The only interop that I’ve done (besides massing) is using 3ds Max for curved 3d text.
Hello Ritesh,
In my current job we use: NWD - DWG - 3D PDF - IFC - RVT.
I would love to see support for the following: FBX, 3DS, OBJ, SKP
Basically … the more the better 
Currently I would love to see native support for DWG (AutoCAD), .3DM(Rhino), .DGN (Microstation) and vector PDF reading. Considering Revit doesn’t want to import a PDF :roll:
DWFx , such an underused filetype in my opinion. Why people prefer PDF ( dumb ) over DWFx ( intelligent ) I will never know, given the power of combining Revit and DWfx. It is a workflow I’m very keen to introduce in to my new office having successfully used it in previous Companies.
Extraction of extended data from DWFx files in terms of Markup notes / Status etc would be advantageous I guess?
@ Colin: 3d PDF is far from beeing a dumb file format. experenced 3d PDF files being structured like IFCs!
to answer the question what file formats are commonly used: it is mostly IFC, DWG and Rhino
@ Peter, i never stated 3D PDF’s are dumb, I stated PDF’s are dumb , i’m sure you will agree they are lighter in intelligence than most deliverables , yet possibly the most common format.
Hello All,
Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
I will consolidate the list and will repost it here.
I may be the only one but I would suggest the autocad DWG element gets split a bit because there could be benefits for getting autocad civil 3d elements into dynamo then creatingsay a bridge parametrically via dynamo, this is just one possibility that i can think of, of top of my head as DWG can be to over arching.
One of the realities in our workflows is the existence of SKP files.
SKP files appear in two ways.
First, we may get them from other architects as an input from conceptual design.
Second, we use them as output to present live models to clients. sketchup’s graphic look and its flythroughs make it a rather effective tool for presentations
I’d love to hack ifc and bcf files with dynamo.
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obj, fbx, 3ds & ifc are common formats in my everday work.
dwg for sure… but not only sending dwg out … more importantly bringing dwg data in.. .3ds, ifc, obj, fbx
I use ACIS / .sat files to import Rhino Nurbs into Revit/ Dynamo. I find out, I have problems to work with sat files in Dynamo 0.9. Anyone the same experience?
most geometry Rhino 3DM, a little Maya MB action doesn’t hurt
can successfully avoid any exchange files (IGES, OBJ, DXF, ACIS/SAT, etc.) thanks to apps like Rhynamo and Flux
viz 3DS, FBX