Wall Cross-Section Parameter "Tapered "Drop Down Menu Selection Problem

Hello i am trying to select “Tapered” from cross section parameter, but only boolean mask works, True and false, It selects Vertical, Slanted but not -Tapered-. Number system doesn’t work?? Can anybody help please?

@umitkumas , hi

can you post some screenshots … to understand better…

You can create a clever boolean… “if not 1, all other stuff is 0”

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Hi, Thank yo for reply, I need value-2 there are 3 options

@umitkumas ,

Some raf ideas:
sort your integers like this:

Draxl_Andreas, my main problem in Element.SetParameterByName node, I want to take the last value from Cross-Section- Parameter, But only true or false works for this parameter. So It only take Vertical or Slanted Not Tapered value,

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Hi @umitkumas ,

What value shows when you get the parameter-value of the Cross-Section parameter when its set to “Tapered”?

It shows 2 but when i write two as number it does not work only true or false values works.

What is the type of that parameter-value? Are you sure it an integer?

Could you add the node Object.Type?
Also, what is the error message on the third post?

Hi Daan,

Hi @umitkumas ,

I meant the object type on the parameter-values. Are they are string, number etc?

Hi Daan, I want make walls cross-section tapered automaticly in dynamo. Its default value is “Vertical”
When i want to set parameter with dynamo i dont know which code is suitable. I tried, number-0-1-2, string “tapered”, they did not work, At last i tried boolean When i say yes it turned Vertical, and thick no it Turned Slanted, I am asking the third for Value “Tapered”, i cold not choose it

Problem solved Revit 2023 does not allow integer values Autodesk made a phyton node for this problem this is link