View.ApplyViewTemplate Error


Hi all,

I’m getting this error, does anyone know how to fix it?

The inputs are using reserved words. Usually steamnodes has this issue amongst other packages.

The fix is to replace the input names with something not reserved by design script language such as view instead of Views (I think, not at my desk to check lower case isn’t also reserved).

Alternatively try my custom package (Crumple) which can apply view template by name also (including 3D view templates as it’s all done within Python).


Just be aware that you are fixing/modifying the definition, which is normally located on your local drive. If there are others that will be using your script, the fix will only apply to you and not the other users. So you will have to copy the definition over to the other users. If you are not familiar with how to handle definitions and packages, then I would look into Crumple as @GavinCrump suggested or Archilab which has a similar node called Views.SetViewTemplate.

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Thank you! it has worked for me too