
Is it possible to make and analyze vegetation in Vasari?

I am trying to adjust the roughness of some elements to show the impact of each type of vegetation for example, but if it is not be analyze it is useless... May be could we change this propriety in a next version?

You can adjust material properties to show a rough material in a rendering, but this will not affect any kind of analysis. What are you trying to do?

I have a question related to the problem of vegetation too, is it possible to modify the roughness elements in Vasari?

We provide tools for very rudimentary vegetation analysis. For example, if you bring in trees from Revit (we don't provide them with Vasari) you can do a shadow study or wind analysis. Note that this analysis is only as good as the model and the trees that ship with Revit are basically 2 intersecting planes. Trees that cast shadows will also participate in an energy simulation. As for making, we only allow making things in the Mass category in Vasari and don't have any special tools related to vegetation. Revit has more categories around Planting and Site and includes some planting content.