Translate/Rotate the Local Coordinate System (LCS) of analytical member

Hi ,

I have a issue. I need to translate my X-axis of LCS. If you see the image below, the X-axis should be either upwards or downwards (as per my str. engineer). But in this case, it is horizontal.

I want to select the analytical member/physical member, then translate the LCS of the particular analytical member.
I have no clue how to proceed further. Could you please help me?

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Hello @c.poupin

Honestly, I have very less knowledge about analytical members. I assume I could get their LCS as I get the location of a solid in Revit. then I can add 90 degrees to rotate the axis. Please correct me if I am wrong.

However, I tried reading the post you mentioned.
So far, I understand that they are trying to rotate an assumed point. But I was stuck on “how to get the current LCS of an analytical member”. Then I have to apply rotation about X-axis.

Could you help me with how I can proceed further?

the analytical structure is not my domain, what is LCS ?

I think LCS is
Local Coordinate System M. Poupin

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What are you wanting to do? I don’t think you can actually change the LCS.

Hi @Nick_Boyts

Actually, we are generating Analytical members for the whole structure using the SoFISTik plugin. Unfortunately, a few walls’ LCS directions are different as I said initially.

So I am looking for a way to rotate LCS for just those wrong analytical members.

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I haven’t seen a method for changing or rotating an LCS in the API. Are you sure this is even possible? It might be a matter of creating the analytical members in a way that results in the correct LCS from the beginning, but I’m afraid I don’t know enough about analytical members to know what that would take.

I think for this problem we need some experience from the structural department:
@tomasz.fudala (Technical Marketing Manager for Robot Structural), is there a way to change the local coordinate system in Revit?

90% certain that the LCS is a read only property, and that you’d have to transform the member (and perhaps the associated element, depending on several factors including which version of Revit) to return an alternative value. One possible solution would be to transform the coordinate system if the X axis isn’t Z primary compared to the Y.

An important note here is that the coordinate systems returned can vary (ie: pulling the transform via Revit API won’t return the same value as getting geometry into Dynamo and pulling the results of that). Best to provide your code and model sample of you need further assistance.

@Numb3r please take a look at the Revit roadmap for Structures:


Thank you very much, I’ve upvoted it. (I hope everybody else too).

Solved(Could you help me with my thought process/workflow?
Since the load setting is in Revit woudnt it be more intuitive to chang the LCS in Revit too?/ Didnt realize its the Revit Structure Roadmap I thought its the Robot Roadmap).

I was aware of the Trello Roadmap for Revit but this one is new to me.

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