In the family i posted are the voids that cut the tunnel segment.
The face of the void that is the “cutting line” is going to be controlled by the angle of the normal of every line segment of the path.
yes, take the normal of the starting point of the second line segment.
It should be the same as the normal of the endpoint of the first line segment btw
Ok, make an adaptive like the one i posted, only, add the parameters for the angles (shared parameter, instance)
make shure it accepts angles as value.
Now read the normals from your line segments and set the values to the adaptives
Im still not really sure how to continue. Have tried a few things like “Element.CutGeometry” from Clockwork and it worked but it could only subtract the family 2 which is before Family 1 (1) and not behind like in my sketch. I think because its not on the same plane.
The problem I see with your idea @m.rijsmus is, that I cant make a parameter for the angle in my Tunnel block family as I dont know how the new line of the new block will be.
If the parameter i suggested to make is an instance parameter, the values (angle1, angle2 (eg. startpoint,endpoint)) can vary per Element.
As the value of the angle is stored in the normal of the line segment of the path line you can set the angles per instance as you place them. As you can see in the image, you need the normal of the arched line, not a straight one
How could you control the angle of the void inside the family?
When Im trying to get the angle a parameter, its just saying it cant do that. Dont know why
thank you for your help!
But something is wrong with it isnt it?
When I change the angle by selecting the point and write the angle myself it works. (screenshot 1)
But If I want to do that in the parameter settings it doesnt want to change it. (screenshot 2)
I am feeding you bits and pieces.
When you read how to get help on the forum, you will know that we don’t do the work for you.
I want you to progress and use your own imagination and use it to figure this one out.
This way you will learn more and become creative with this stuff.
I learned most of the basics of adaptives here:
And there is a lot on youtube.
If you get where i am going with the angles, you can do it yourself, you are half way there already.