November 24, 2021, 1:01pm
Hi all,
I want to search for multiple values in a list.
If value appears, then I need a true.
window 1 - this is what I wanna have.
window 2 - is correct, cause of the capital P.
window 3 and 4 - those need to be like window 1.
How do I get window 3 and 4 shown like 1?
In this case I want a true when list contains “prefab” or “Prefab”.
But it can also be something else (“ms” or “metal-stud”) for example.
So when one word of the searchstring is present, then I want a TRUE
You may want to play around with your lacing. On Windows 3 and 4, would it change anything to lace it to longest, or even cross product?
PS, I always have trouble with String.Contains. Wish there were better search options.
November 24, 2021, 1:20pm
YES!!! That did it…
I was trying around with lacing, but somehow did not got the right setting before! grmbl…
Lacing → Longest AND str → “use levels” and “keep structure”
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November 24, 2021, 1:29pm
Damn @$#$#@$… Still not working haha…
Or is the only way to go around it with a transpose and maybe some other notes?
November 24, 2021, 1:45pm
You can match with List.IndexOf
if the list value and the search values are Equal.
November 24, 2021, 3:22pm
When i want to search for multiple values in a list i use the Contains
from archilab .
With archilab s node you can keep lacing on auto also.