Search for matching words in a description

Good morning.
I’m trying to find how many matches there are for words within a description…
in this way I will be able to know how close the word is to the description.
Thanks for the help.
attached image

What’s the issue you’re having currently? Are you not getting the list levels to behave as you’d like?

I would highly suggest doing this with Python. It will make the list handling much easier and allow you to check for key words and count all at once. It’s also a fairly easy logically if you’re new to Python.

It’s also a little unclear what you’re trying to accomplish by checking for contained words. What do you ultimately want to do with matching sublists?

Well what I’m looking for is if these words are in the description …
I don’t know how to use python…

But why? What will you do with that information? Do you need a count of any word found in the description? Do the sublists of key words mean anything special? It’s hard to help solve your problem if we don’t have an understanding of what it is.

You also haven’t mentioned what’s wrong with your current workflow. You show that you’re checking each description against the list of key words. What isn’t working there?

@ammed.riveros , hi

Thats true! Whats your final aim…? :slight_smile:

I really appreciate your attention… I’m going to create some images and specify what I’m looking for… I’ll be enormously grateful if you can continue helping me…

Good morning friends, here I leave you some descriptions as well as the final objective I am looking for when carrying out these searches and comparisons… obviously I have reduced the list to just a few… but the concept you want is the same.
Thanks for your support.
I leave the graphics.

SEARCH WORDS.dyn (30.0 KB)

Looks like a job for regex and Python. Clockwork and rhythm have some nodes for doing regex matching.

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OK thank you for this information. This is completely different from searching for exact matches. You’re going to want to check out Regular Expressions (RegEx) and fuzzy logic. It’s much more complicated and involved when looking for similar values over exact ones.

Thanks for your comment.
Precisely this process is the one that I don’t know how to do and I’m lost, it is for the reason why I resort to the support to solve it

Yes and if you open the website I linked it will have a guide on regex expressions. From there look for nodes in clockwork or rhythm that can accept a regex statement. You’ll need to do a bit of research here but the resources are all there.

That’s right Nick as you mention it is breaking my head.
Perhaps many wonder in what cases this type of thing occurs… well, I’m telling you that the budget contractor sent a list of items that must be corroborated for their existence in the list of computation tables of the BIM model and the list sent by the contractor has 1500 games vs 3500 tables in revit… so it would take me 3 years to verify them… I’m dying…

That’s where the automation of RegEx and fuzzy logic come in. However, as @GavinCrump said, you still have to do the research on those topics and work towards a solution. This forum is not for soliciting work from others.

That being said, your initial question, based on sublists of specific words, could still be a possible path forward.

Here you’re getting a pass/fail for each individual word. You could then count the number of found strings (per sublist) to deem how confident you are in a match. This is a similar but more basic concept to fuzzy logic.

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