Roads by curves script

Hi! I have fulfilled the student dream! How I wanted to have this script at university…

This script creates roads with different thicknesses by curves. Roads are created as a floor with multiply openings. The thickness for the road depends on the name, you could see the format of the name by example. Also, I created a fillet algorithm, but it doesn’t always work correctly, so you can turn it off.

I hope this will be helpful for the community! :kissing_closed_eyes:

Road_by_curves_3.0.dyn (44.3 KB)

example of linstyle name ( road_2000, road_1000, e.t.c…)



I’m trying to replicate this and may be running into some challenges. So far i’ve found that the floor creation method was changed for 2022, so that needs to be updated to the one using CurveLoops.

I think making that replacement has gotten it working, but need to do some more testing on the variety of inputs.

Nice, thanks you