Revit 2017.1 Dynamo player

Hi ,
Until the option of customized deployment of Dynamo Player is provided in a more friendly way , here is an workaround :
The “history” of DynamoPlayer and by “history” I mean last scripts folder used , window size and position is located here :
"c:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\dynamoplayer\User data\dynamoplayerinstance 1"
It is possible to see here more than one instance directory :
…\dynamoplayerinstance 2
…\dynamoplayerinstance 3
This happens if you are using multiple instances of Revit and DynamoPlayer.

You’ll just have to start the Player on your machine and chose your preferred folder and then close it.
At this point the history is saved under …\dynamoplayerinstance n.
Then you can copy the folder …\dynamoplayerinstance n on multiple machines under different users and they will all benefit from the initial history you prepared.
Make sure you don’t copy this file on your target path …\dynamoplayerinstance n\lockfile.
This file is used by the underlying platform Dynamo Player is based on to indicate that a particular instance is in use.
The lockfile is automatically created and deleted when DynamoPlayer starts and is closed.

Keep in mind that history is used on first come first served basis.
So first time you start Revit and Dynamo Player …\dynamoplayerinstance 1 will be used.
And the …\dynamoplayerinstance 2 for the second instance of Revit and Dynamo Player and so on.

You can also delete these instance folders if you want and “history” will reset itself to application default and DynamoPlayer will point to default scripts folder.
So I imagine someone could create all kind of scripts to control the history of multiple users and multiple instances on the same machine or different machines.