Rename nested family parameters while keeping host association

Hello, I’m looking for a way to rename a few parameters in a family that is nested in multiple other families, while keeping the association between the parameter in the nested family and host families.

I have a library of families that my company uses internally on projects. Each family is made of of other shared nested families. Each of the nested families is used in multiple of the host families. I have a project file that houses all of these families, that way, if I make a change to one of the nested families, the change carries across to the other host families. I have to rename some of the parameters in a few of the nested families, but obviously doing this removes the parameter association between the nested family and all of the host families that use it. I was wondering; does anyone know of a way I can rename these parameters while keeping the association between the nested family and host families? Currently, I would have to go though 30+ families and manually make these changes which would be quite tedious and take a while.

Some info to help get started:

  • I planned on using the Orchid package to modify the host families.
  • The renamed parameters are not shared parameters.
  • I’m using Revit 2020.
  • I cannot post/share any of the families/projects I’m working with
  • One of the nested families is nested twice in the host families, but linked to different parameters.
  • I’ve thought about somehow using parameter IDs to basically map the parameters that need linked after I rename them.

Let me know if you need any clarification or info.

it complex, i created a tools for that, you can see, this problem will difficult to do in dynamo.