Remove points outside of Room

I have a plan with many rooms. I have created a list of things, represented by points. I want to delete those points outside the rooms. I have tried delete.element, Room.InsideRoom and then List.RemoveAtIndex but it won’t delete the outside point. I have looked at other topics but it does not give me the result as well.
Can anyone help me?

Many thanks!

Set the Point.IsInsideRoom to cross product lacing and then use an List.AnyTrue node to the BoolMask. You may need to adjust Levels for the AnyTrue.

Thanks a lot @SeanP but I mean how to make the outside box point disappear? I use List.AnyTrue but I really don’t understand what it does :frowning: Sorry I am quite new to this!

It also looks like you need to turn off some geometry previews. Dynamo shows the output of each node. You’ll have to turn Preview off for everything but the last filtered list of points inside rooms.

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Thank you @Nick_Boyts! This is what I look for :slightly_smiling_face: