I have created Dynamo script that picks all the ditch entities and creates a an excel sheet with all the important ditch data (start station, end station, length, elevations, grade etc.), adds labels with that data on the corridor and checks some data from shp file.
To achieve it I had to connect the profile stations with a corridor feature line of a given code.
It works well until I have vertical entities in the ditch profile. Then it omits some of the PVIs, I believe because it has two PVIs of the same station and cannot decide wich one it should compare with the corridor feature line.
Does anyone have any idea what to do?
(unfortunately I cannot add more screenshots)
Try to keep a slight offset in the calculation of your project to avoid the vertical profile; for example, perform a calculation at station 91+989.5654 and 91+989.5656.
Sorry, but apparently as a new user I cannot upload attachments. Also the problem is that the DWGs that do not work mostly need shortcuts, pkt files etc. I’d need to upload a lot of files for that to work.
My Dynamo script recognizes the given station (in the case above 91+989,56) and checks if there is a corresponding feature line. If there is, it puts a label. But somehow when there are two PVIs of the same station it randomly chooses one of these, and I believe it might actually check a very-near point, e.g. 91+989,56000001, where there is no feature line.