Projecting 2D Lines onto a TIN Surface and Creating New Surfaces with Dynamo

Hi everyone,

I am trying to project 2D lines from the 0 level onto a TIN surface made from point clouds using Dynamo. My goal is to use these 3D lines to create new surfaces. However, I keep encountering issues with the surface type not being compatible. When I run the Polysurface.ByJoinedSurfaces node, the process freezes.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? How do you typically create surfaces that the nodes can handle?

Any tips or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Can you try this Nodes:

Package ArkanceSystems

This also didn’t work well. :frowning:
Surface.ByPatch couldnt make patch surfaces: API_FAILED – operation unsuccessful.
Surface.ByUnion unable union two surfaces: EDGECOIN_PROBLEM – system inconsistency processing edge coincidence.
i used List.Clean because of the null values.

With this goal in mind, could you go about this a bit differently?

  1. Take the boundaries in 2D and convert them into a Dynamo polycurve
  2. Extrude the polycurve to the maximum elevation of the tin surface
  3. Get the points of the tin surface
  4. Filter out any points which aren’t inside the extrude
  5. Generate a new TIN from the filtered list of points