Placing Unused Wall Types

I’m attempting to put together a graph that can pull all wall types in the model, used or unused, and create a series of them for some QA through schedules. I’ve figured out how to place a single wall but it requires an input for each wall type, meaning I’d need dozens of nodes. I do have a graph that places unused types of families (GM, specialty, etc) in a nice line but it doesn’t seem to work with walls and none of the nodes I’ve found so far seem to pull the unused wall types.

Is it possible to pull all the wall types in a format that would eliminate the need for dozens of nodes? If so, how will the placement work? The place types graph uses a design script and I have no idea how to translate the wall by point into a design script.

The Place Types Graph

Can’t find unused wall types

I can place walls at least

About what I’d like to achieve


edit: fixed the broken image

@Chad_Clary Try Element Types

There is also a node in Clockwork called All Placed Family Types of Category that seems to work with walls

The graph you’ve posted isn’t readable

However you can try this …
ProjectWallTypes.dyn (51.4 KB)

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sorry about that =/

Here is what I’ve come up with so far (modified version of the image above that didn’t work) and I was going to ask how to get the walls to place but I think your reply will square it away for me. I’ll give it a try in a second.