I want to place the family based on the sloped face with equal distance. Here i attached the 3d model image for referance. My requirement is i just want to place first and last elements with the distance of 225mm from the solid and rest of the elements are 650mm spacing. Please give me a solution for this issue
What have you tried so far?
Please review this post How to get help on the Dynamo forums
Personally, I think this would be better to do this in Revit than Dynamo - what happens if your sleepers change?
Set up your sleeper family with a reference planes for the centreline of the rail anchors and the end offsets. Create a line based family with the anchor family using a spacing formula.
Place anchor line using the sleeper face as the host. Align the anchors to the reference planes in the sleeper.
You could group this or create a nested family and you have a fully parametric solution
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