Pick new host lighting fixture

hi awilliams, seems Python code of getting element id isn’t working, i tried newhost.ElementId too, my host is ref plane, maybe that’s the reason? but i can get Id using code block


If you follow the link it gives a example of the exception you would get if the problem is with the host…

Exception Condition

Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions ArgumentException
When setting this property: The hostId is not a valid railing host.

I think your exception is more likely to do with list structure… it is telling you that you can’t get an Id from a list…

To check if your idea will work… Flatten the Input and Get Item At Index 0…

Good luck :slight_smile:


Can you share the code? Sounds like you are feeding it a list and not iterating through each element for the Id.

the previous issue has been solved by Mark after i added FirstItem node, now new issue arises, seems HostId is readonly so railing.HostId = hostId won’t work, in my case it’s lighting fixture:
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

elements = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
newhost = UnwrapElement(IN[1])
hostId = newhost.Id

for i in elements:
i.HostId = hostId

OUT = elements


(we Might need this to go into a new thread)

So I tried it this way, but got stuck unfortunately… It’s telling me that the wall isn’t iterable?

I’m a bit worried that railings have the property available…

But Lights don’t…

I tried using ‘host level’, but got not iterable using a level as well…



Edit: SetHostV2.dyn (19.4 KB)

Yes! New thread is on now :wink:

Great, thanks :smiley:

So can you help the OP? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep! Few minutes :slight_smile:

Boom! You’re the man…

@Mark.Ackerley Is this what you guys looking?


yes, but your graph is only half displayed

Here is the graph change host.dyn (10.7 KB)


That’s very clever :slight_smile:

Does it mean that we can’t set the host?



Nope! currently not possible in Revit API. Cheers!

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thanks all, i assume new work plane of lighting fixture cannot be set just like new host, in fact both are the same thing, correct?

i modified a bit of Kulkul’s graph, parameter “Elevation” is level based so it’s more accurate to use Z value from GetLocation

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No you can’t unforunately.

Editing work plane is different than setting the location, my above example shows you how to set the location of fixture based on plane. It’s basically changing the offset of fixture.

Yes using Z value is more accurate. I just gave you the idea, you can adjust graph as per your requirement. Don’t forget to mark the post.
