Only get highest value of instance type with the same parameter

Hi, is it possible to get the highest Qtype value of a instance type with the same parameter.


Family A; Instance Type 01
paramater value consoleType : 01-BD-V11
paramater value QType : 2

Family A; Instance Type 02
paramater value consoleType : 02-BD-V03
paramater value QType : 5

Family A; Instance Type 03
paramater value consoleType : 02-BD-V03
paramater value QType : 6.3

Output =
Family A; Instance Type 01
paramater value consoleType : 01-BD-V11
paramater value QType : 2
//only has 1 consoleType so highest QType value is 2

For “Family A; Instance Type 02” and “Family A; Instance Type 03”
They have the same consoleType so the highest value for Qtype is 6.3

you can “group them by key”, then “sort” sub lists, then “reverse” the sub lists , and finally use “GetItemByIndex” to get the index 0, the first element of your sub list is what you want