Obtain Curves of Adaptive Component

Hi @john_pierson, would your solution work to create curved mullions? So far haven’t tried with Dynamo, just Revit, but can’t really measure, quantify or schedule what I get as “mullion” geometry by using adaptive components.Please look at my fails file http://a360.co/2dlqQRF and sorry if slightly off topic here…

@Rene_Pellicer_Garcia, My method will not work for the mass components. That being said, it should be possible in other ways. Perhaps start another topic and others can jump in as well?

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This will obtain the curves and sort by vertical and horizontal.

adaptiveComponent-Curves.dyn (6.2 KB)

@john_pierson, once again, big thanks! I built on your definition and managed to extract each individual “pseudo-mullion” length, radius and center point and write it all to an excel spreadsheet.
Main extra nodes added: Curve.Length, Lunchbox Curve to Arc by Divisions and Excel.WritetoFile