Node Error with R22


I’m currently testing scripts to see how they perform in Revit 2022, there is no clear error with the node but it leaves this message saying: “modifying is forbidden because the document has no open transaction”.

I’m using Dynatools, CreateSheets node by feeding it values from Datashapes MultipleInputForm++ node. It receives the sheet names, numbers & titleblock info fine, the node doesn’t change colours just displays the above message. The output is just an empty list. Anyone experienced this?

This can be closed now, simply just needed to restart the script as it wouldn’t re-open & read the data from excel despite it still being cached by datashapes. Works now.

In my case, I should remove the node and add the same node, and then if I run it, it works, like cutting, copying, and pasting but running script individually. How to run this forbidden node in Dynamo Player

The script was running, but after a while it looked like this, and I couldn’t keep doing the same process of adding new nodes (Element.faces) each time it ran, so the Dynamo player displayed an error.

Any solutions ?