Move Point By Vector

How possible

Move Point By Vector to some distance ?

using Revit API

Hi @til.shviger

You can move a point (XYZ) by Vector in Revit API using concepts of operations of Vectors.
In this case, you can add the XYZ point to Vector (in Revit API, Vector is a XYZ too).
To apply the distance at Vector direction, you can multiply the vector for a number.

For example in python script:

#Your vector -> Please note you have to Normalize() this vector to convert in a unit Vector
vector = XYZ(10,2,5).Normalize()

#Vector using the distance
vectorDist = vector.Multiply(distance)

#Move the point
point = XYZ(1,0,0)
newPoint = point + vectorDist

Best regards,
Fellipe Caetano